Friday, February 27, 2015

New World Order - Transportation

New World Order - Transportation

The transportation is one of those things that cost people a lot. It is also one of the factors that involves in the determination of costs for all commodities and most services. If the transportation could be provided for free, to all people, then the pricings of all goods, commodities and services will get down so dramatically.

The current public transportations cost a little bit for the people but it could be achieved in a way that it doesn’t cost anything for travel and transport. If you had to fly from Europe to Asia, then you can book a seat and fly for free. How would you like that? Only thing is that you must have a valid reason for any number of travels with limited number of travels just for fun. I would like to have something like that. And it is entirely possible if we had the energy for free. And the energy could be attained at very minimal costs and could be given to people for free if and only if a One World Government is in control.

Once vehicles that operate in low cost energy sources are produced, the transportation can be made free. Once the transportation is made free, everything else will become very smooth. We can build roads using Nanotechnology. We can build vehicles using Nanotechnology. We can have vehicles that do not wear off in a decade. We can have roads that last for centuries. We can have vehicles that drive on their own based on our input for the destinations.

Imagine; an automated vehicle is not going to break the traffic laws, it is not going to meet with an accident, it is not going to make some wrong turns. Don’t think it is a fantasy. Google already tested an automated car that drove for 6000 kilometers abiding all traffic laws and signal lights. It hadn’t met with an accident; it hadn’t made any wrong moves. It just went on an on until Google decided to wind up the experiment.

The technology is already there. The knowledge is already there. The resources are already there. The only thing that is not there is an authority to take over all of these resources, knowledge and technology to put into action so that the people on earth could benefit as a whole.

I am not going to wait until everybody agrees with me to making a New World Order. I am gonna start doing it. If it is right, then people will follow. If it is wrong, then no one will follow and I am fine with it. In fact I have already begun the process. I need a new world order. Do you want one? You decide.

The roads could be rebuilt to suite transportation. Entirely new roads could be built within months. Do you know that with nanotechnology, you could build stronger roads with less material in less time? We have that technology but it is suppressed from the public. This is because the corporate companies don’t want the public to access it and they are using it already in larger scales.

Straight roads could be built to better facilitate transportation. Building bridges over hundreds of kilometers is pretty easy with nanotechnology. We can build roads above jungles and landscapes without altering their natural conditions. We don’t need to mess with the environment but yet we can build mega roads all over the globe. Imagine if you can travel from Australia to Singapore in a car. How would you like that?

It is more than possible. If all the resources available with all the companies in the world are accessible to one single authority, then such a road could be built within six months. We set up a New World Order in power and then in six months, we will have a road from Sydney to Hong Honk. Oh you don’t want something like that? Fine; then stay away from me. Don’t stand in my way. You can choose to live in the jungle in the stone ages. I really don’t care. I am going to live the next stage and please don’t dare to stand in my way.

Our transportation means are all commercial now. All airbuses are commercial. All trains are commercial. Do you get a free seat on a train? I think everyone should have free access to free transportation. Do you know what is prohibiting this from happening? It is the money! And do you know what money is? It is a tool of absolute control. And at the moment, the money is not with the hands of the governments. It is with the hands of the big businesses and banks. So it is not the governments that decide what to do, but the big businesses that decide what the governments of the world should do.

You have heard about all these upheavals and riots in all these countries. If you have a little piece of your brain working, then think whether these would happen if the entire world was under one authority and the entire resources were monitored and governed by that particular authority but not individual businesses.

Transportation influences all sectors of human lives. It is the transportation that is important in deciding the status of the society, the wealth, the health, the education, the morality, the mentality and much more. Imagine, if you had everything else but transportation for the next six months, how would you feel?

If you had nothing but free transportation, then you can make everything because the transportation is free. And this is the exact reason why a few and particular people have made sure that you do not receive free transportation.

I am going to change it. My name is NEO. 

You can either join me to creating a New World Order with free transportation or reap the pain for not taking my words seriously.

Let him hear, who has an ear for I am engaging soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Energy Solution for a New World Order

The Energy Solution for a New World Order

We all know that the biggest problem in the world is the scarcity of energy or the price we have to pay for it. All the power that you are using is coming mostly from burning fuel; either fossil or nuclear. Either ways, we are paying a lot environmentally and economically. Are these the only ways used? No. We have all kinds of natural energy conversion methods.

We can convert the wind energy with turbines into some good amount of electricity. We can convert the light from the sun as the solar energy and use it. We can use the mechanical energy of the tidal waves to produce electricity. We can use all kinds of alternative energy sources; but not to destroying the natural resources. The worst thing about the nuclear energy is the waste emanating from the consumption of nuclear rods. After usage, the nuclear rods are like armed ammunition that you have to dump them somewhere safe for around not twenty years, but around twenty million years for them to naturally eradicate and to become harmless. Can you imagine why we need an order?

Yes we can stop all of these mad things. Vehicles don’t necessarily have to run on fossil fuels but the oil companies have to. There is sufficient technology to produce vehicles that are completely electrical and produce less heat as well along with no emission at all. Why are we not doing it? Because the oil companies don’t want to lose their business. Again, where is all the money going? The money is being dumped into properties, gold and in bank accounts and it never comes back. What is money? It simply is the conversion of hard work of people at the low end of the community. It accumulates along the chain and ends up in the hands of a few elite people (or so they think they are). If the oil companies were taken over by the New World Order administration, then no single individual will receive all that wealth and there will be no barrier to making sustainable energy solutions.
Researches on alternative energy solutions are either suppressed or are controlled by most energy companies. And most energy companies have their connections to the banks. And the banks don’t want to lose any of their money. So they will never stop this. You talk about global warming, planet heating and people getting lung cancer from lead emissions from automobile emissions; they don’t care. The most important thing is that these people who benefit from the use of fossil fuel are not exposed to the effects created by the use of it. It is you and me that are affected. And we don’t care either. So they are happy.

Does anyone know about Mr. Nicola Tesla? The poor man introduced Alternating Current (AC Electricity) to the world so that we are all having access to power at our homes. Do you know what happened to him? He was trying some natural energy conversion researches which will not use fossil fuel. What happened to him? One of the greatest scientists to have ever walked the face of the earth got abandoned by these people and they withdrew all the funding to his researches so that he could not continue what he started. The poor man used to spend the rest of his life in bars and pubs talking science to drunken people.

The government did not help him; nobody questioned the authorities and nobody dared to oppose those big people with big money. They need you to be consuming supplies from them. For example, if I created a tree that will live for a thousand years and will give enough food for ten people every single day, they will not allow me to do it because their food business will go down.
They have already started to control the food supply of the world by introducing intellectual property rights and the genetically modified seeds. So that the farmers can buy seeds from them, cultivate and harvest but they cannot reseed from the harvest seeds because they have the intellectual property of the corporate companies. Really? Some DNA of a plant is your intellectual property?

Think what will happen if the power is free. If the energy doesn’t cost anything, then probably most things will not cost more than two percent of what they cost now. Imagine, the metals are processed from oars and that needs energy. The purified metals are used to produce automobiles and that needs energy. The automobiles carry stuff here and there and that needs energy. The supermarkets run air conditioners; computers and other machines and those need energy.

To make it clear to you, I will use some money tags. If the energy was free to processing the metals, then the raw metal cost will go down. Then the automobile prices will go down. And then the transportation costs will go down dramatically. The running cost and the maintenance cost of machineries, stores and showrooms will go down. If all of these costs are reduced from the price you are charged from a supermarket, then you will be able to buy anything at less than ten percent of the cost that you are buying now.

Can you understand why you feel what you earn is not enough? Because these people have fixed you a salary and they make sure it is not enough for you to live comfortably, so that you don’t start thinking about the world. They know that if you start thinking, then you will start questioning. They don’t like people questioning them. So they make sure that you are kept busy, and are presented with a schedule of what to do when you get some free time and what to buy when you have some extra money.

That particular perfume you bought for that hilarious amount of money; do you really think you need that one? You felt like buying it because of the status they have creatively added to it with the fantastic advertisements and the so called life style.

Okay, think about how much does your hand bag cost. Is it really worth that money? It will probably cost less than one percent of the cost to manufacture it. They want to make sure that you run out of money. And they add prices knowing that you will buy it. If you are interested, then they will create an interest and call it the trend. Then you will fall for it.

What will happen if all the energy was free? Someone else will start making these same things for much lesser prices and the big giants cannot compete with small people. If farmers had power for free (including the energy for the vehicles they use) then will not have to skip farming and go to something else. Probably cultivation will become the most respectful job in the world; and that is the way it should be. They are the ones that feed the entire planet, not the businessmen, not the doctors, not the politicians; it is the farmers who feed the world. And they are not considered as the high people in the society. Someone who is instrumental in poisoning your air is a hero for you and someone who works hard to keep you alive is nothing for you. Really? I am going to change it.

I am going to make sure that energy is free for every single person on this planet when I take over the New World Order. I am going to make sure that emissions go to zero. You think it is impossible? Please don’t use that word in front of me. Please don’t accept failure without even giving it a try.

Is it possible to make energy free for everyone? Yes, it is absolutely possible. If you can cover the roofs of each and every single building on the planet, then it will already sort out around thirty percent of all the energy needs.  Don’t tell me it is expensive and cannot do. Do you know how much a space shuttle costs? Do you know how much a space plane costs? And do you know how much money they have dumped away from you? It is more than just possible. There are places on the face of the earth where there is continuous and sufficient wind flow all around the year. You can plant thousands of wind turbines within a few square kilometer areas. They can then take care of the energy needs of entire cities. The world has aggressive coasts where there are powerful tides all over the year. They can provide a better energy conversion. They can cover the needs of coastal cities. Don’t talk about the costs of setting up these initial materials.

Just go and do a research on how many cars are being manufactured in a year. You will then know what I am talking is just another easy thing. Do you know how many commercial buildings are being built in an year? Do you know the cost of all the buildings that were built in the past five years? You head will spin. I assure you, to build up the initial structures to provide power will cost very less than what we are spending now.

It is the voices of people that become together and become the voice of the world. Come join me to make a New World Order where energy is free to everyone and there are zero percent automobile emissions so that everyone can live without wearing a mass.

You don’t have to go on the streets and protest against the government. Just make sure that you express you support to this idea. You can do it here on this page, or do it wherever you can on the internet. Please make sure that no one condemns you as trying to riot or protest. Because that is what these big guys will start doing when our ideas get stronger and our voices get together.

So I am not encouraging anyone to physically make an expression. Do it online, share the thought to people that are like minded. Let us create a world order that works for us; not just for the billionaires of the world.

Whoever has an ear; let him hear. I am Neo; and I am engaging soon. 

If you want a better place, then join me; or end up in reaping the pain for your negligence. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

World events; where are we going?

The world events as they are happening now are leading us all towards something that is already known. We are all headed for a dead end. Scientifically, when he human population reaches a hit point, it will be impossible to survive. The ultimate calamities would take place. We are already at more than 7 billion now. It is estimated that we will hit 9 billion mark at around 2050. I see the worst. We will hit that mark at around 2025.

We are having too many problems now because of the communities we belong to. The real problem is that there are too many communities, too many different rules for different people and most importantly, too many differences in resource availability to different people.

We have to become one. I can see that there are attempts to make this happening but then there are critics and oppositions. The one world airline movement that was started by One World Alliance is an interesting thing. Although it is run by an LLC company, the real fact is that it is one of the initiatives to bring about a "One World" theme into aviation.

I too don't understand the reason why the people who want it happen started with the airlines. There should have been researches for more than 15 years to make sure that this is the right place to start. What most of us don't realize is that there was the mention of a "New World Airport Commission" at the Denver International Airport at Denver, Colorado, US. This happened as early as in 1995. It has been 20 years until the next big move was made, the "One World Alliance".

I know some people are allergic to the terms "One World Government" and "New World Order". What they don't realize is that there is already a "United Nations Organization" which is a one world governance initiative. There is already a "European Union" which again is a one world governance initiative, and there are much more that are already in place.

And all these community based liberation organizations and all the protests to become a nation apart from an existing nation are all people that don't really realize that the world is more into joining together than into splitting apart.

All the movies that are being released are part of a plot to make the people conditioned to a reality of a gathered world order when it arrives. There are always plans with timelines. I don't know what the timeline that has been planned for this particular event but it is getting more and more closer.

The speed at which the world is heading towards such an order is accelerating in itself by the day.

At the end, we are all going to have to agree to some one else's idea of ruling us all, or to deciding our own idea to rule ourselves.

With past experiences in human history, we have never been able decide and do good for ourselves. We have always wanted someone to be in charge; and that's exactly how the education systems have been teaching us since we were babies.

So, we are going to need someone to rule ourselves. The real question is will we choose someone or will we just kneel down to someone that says that he is our king?

Monday, February 23, 2015

We need a new world order

We need a new world order.


Because we are losing order in many places and circumstances. Is the New World Order an evil thing? You decide it. Is the constitution of a country and evil thing? Is the law of a country an evil thing? Are the rules at your school all evil things?

I don’t think so.

Forget about the Antichrist, Dajal and any other evil figures portrayed in any cultural or religious believes. It is factual that no religion advocates man to be in power over the world. All religious writers were afraid of leaving the fate of humans into the hands of humans. They always wanted gods to be in charge. It was their way of living. It has changed pretty much now. Except for a very few people, for most others, religions are fun things to have. You can have festivals, you can have parties, you have a reason to spend abruptly and you have a reason to hate someone because they don’t believe the same GOD you do.

The ones who really believe in GOD don’t even have to say it out loud that they believe in a particular GOD. They can just follow their own GOD. And if the GOD that whoever follows was almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient then shouldn’t their gods have forbidden them from doing evil things in the name of the GOD?

Well, I have never come across an instance where a GOD popped up out of nowhere to say “hey, stop doing that; I never told you to do it in my name”.

I also have never heard an instance where some GOD popped up in an occasion to save someone who was abused in his own name. To me, this means either that particular thing is not GOD or he/she was really GOD but was okay with the madness that their followers did.

In either cases, I am not following a GOD that is okay with harming someone in his/her name and I don’t care about a GOD that is just a thing that some humans created to make sure that they are in control of the masses.

That’s enough about my religious view of the world. Now, if there was an order that prevented someone hurting someone else in the name of a religion or GOD, would you name it as evil? If that is what is really evil, then I will definitely follow the evil. It sounds better than some gods to me!

Wouldn’t it be better if we had an order where anyone can follow any belief system as long as they don’t try to impregnate someone with their believes or to hurt someone because of their believes? I think it should be. And it is about time too.

What kind of order do you have in your society? Take two geographic locations where at one place an act is nothing and the same act is punished fatally with death in another location. What order is that and why do we have to have that?

What about the hard work of people being paid. You do a job in one country and you earn something while you do the same thing in another country and you earn something else. Is it really right? I don’t think so.

The resources of one location are being stolen by people from another location and then are given a little bit as lending. In some cases it is not even lending; it is like begging. Would you accept if I came to your house and stole all the food you had and kept it somewhere and then see you being hungry and give you something to eat to merely be alive?

The food I have was stolen from you and you are starving because of that. Now I am doing charity to give you some food so that you will live and make more food so that I can continuously steal from you. Is that right?

Do you think that Somalia is really a poor country? It is richer than some rich countries. You know who continues to steal from the people of Somalia. It is wrong; it is dead wrong! Do we have an order here? Absolutely no!

Okay, let’s forget about different countries. Take your own country. Can you decide whether you want the head of the nation to remain in power or not without having to riot? I don’t think so. Don’t tell me about the elections. It is not an election. It is merely an option where you have to choose from something that is presented to you.

If you wanted some professor from college, can you vote him to become the president? No, because he is not running for president. It is not people who are electing their leaders. It is a very few elite that have money deciding who to present you as leaders so that you will pick one that they already have decided. Why there is not a system where the people can propose someone and the public interest the leader is selected? Can it not be? We have the capacity and technology to doing that. So let’s do it! There is no order in that. We need an order.

I am naming it as the New World Order because it is a popular term. If you want then name it as the Old World Order or the Right Order or the Essential Regulation of the Globe, you name it! I don’t care. It has to be an order that brings order. And we need it. I need it badly; I have suffered a great loss because of all these chaotic things happening.

The educational systems all around the world are different. Some people are given necessary education where others are taught to listen, kneel and follow. That is wrong. Would you accept if I came across your streets and start teaching your children that they must kneel down before me because that is the right thing to do?

Why do we have to have a few educational systems which are absolutely nothing but making people slaves? Making people slaves to some people whose name don’t even pop up in the main stream media to talk about. Why do you have to opt to be a slave of someone else? Are you fools?

Don’t tell me that you are free and are living in a free country. If you do then, answer a few simple questions. Who makes money for your country? Is the Federal Reserve Bank a government owned bank? If the Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned bank and it controls the money supply of your country, then are you not slaves of that bank? You, all of you are already under slavery. Believe it or not; you people are like baby Pandas living luxurious inside a cage. You eat, you drink and you have sex. So you think you are free. Really? I mean, seriously? Now come on!

How comes that someone that works hard for ten hours get paid one hundredth of the amount of someone who doesn’t work that hard? What is point in assigning a salary where you cannot enjoy the same things as your boss? Why is your boss better than you? Because he had the opportunity that you didn’t have? It’s wrong!

If you work, then you get paid. I am okay with my boss getting paid a big amount but I am doing as hard as he is doing. Then I am I paid a penny with which I can’t even imagine of enjoying some of the things that my boss is doing?

Is there an order? Perfectly no! Shouldn’t there be an order in this? When fifty people work for a company, the profit should be shared amongst all of them. If someone is not doing as well as the others, then it is a fair reason to fire someone; not because they questioned you! You guys can’t even accept that all the revenue should be shared with all the workers! That is because you are infected with the idea that they have imprinted into your body that whatever they do is right. No it is not!
Ask your mind, are you not doing much more than what you are being paid? So why are you not being paid?

Is there an order in this? Certainly not! I need an order where if I work, I should be paid as equally as anyone else. If you think that I am wrong, then check what the monthly salary of the head of your state is. Now go and check what the income of a local businessman is. Tell me who is working more, harder or facing much critical issues? Don’t joke with me. Realize that we need an order; a new order that has an economical resolution to everyone; think that is impossible? No please don’t use that word in front of me. Impossible is there in my life but only in the dictionary. And I will make sure that it is restricted there.

I can’t believe that I am having to believe that there is at least one thing that is impossible for me. And that one thing is to believing that something is really impossible.

You people are familiar with playing video games? What do you earn there? Points! You earn some points to doing some work and then you spend the points to enjoying something. You work for one hour, you get some point. The same amount of points will be assigned to any job. Whether you are the president of the European Union or someone who collects garbage in the streets; you work one hour, and you are given the same amount of points. Does this sound like a plan? Then you go to a hotel and want to stay there, you spend your points! It is as simple as that. You will not be able to make millions of times more points than someone else.

Look at what is happening now. Someone has billions of dollars worth of wealth where some other people live on less than two dollars a day. Check the world bank records, check the World Health Organization records, and check anything about poverty and then check the list of the richest people in the world and their magnitudes of wealth.

To me, it is not earning. I don’t agree to the idea that someone did ten billion times work as someone else so that the someone has got ten billion times worth the wealth than the someone else. Do you believe? I don’t care, but don’t ask me to!

Have you seen the financial reports of some gigantic corporate companies? Have you seen the profit figures? Do you know what they do with these? Do you think that they circulate the wealth back into the society? No. The wealth gets accumulated only in electronic records, gold and properties. So that those accumulated wealth never returns to the community. And all what the community has to do is to work. By working, you are producing wealth for these companies to dump in banks and the banks don’t own a single penny!

Did you know that if all the people wanted to withdraw all the money in their bank accounts then there will be not enough money in the banks? This is the case all over the world. There is no paper money! It’s simply not there. All what you have is some letters and numbers in your account book. This drama will continue until people realize that they don’t have to work hard to make sure that they have some letters and numbers telling that they are rich. No you are not!

Is there an order? So how comes that all the illegal money is still there somewhere? Well, if it is not as cash money, then it has to be somewhere. You make a fair guess.

How many people know that the Federal Reserve Bank provide currency to the central bank on interest? Every time the central bank needs money, it comes as a debt with an interest. It is an interest that the central bank can never pay. It is a dead end designed to enslave humanity. Is there an order?

Man I demand a new world order and I am going to be the first one into it. Not some order that some fat businessman wants, not some order that some religious icon wants but this is an order that the entire people of the earth need. Everyone is equal; period, and I want that.

Yeah, ya, I know that the law states that everyone is equal yet you have to address the judge as “my lord” or “your honor” and the judge calls you “accused” “victim” “suspect”. Why can’t the judge call you “my lord, you are accused”? Not all that are accused are criminals and not all judges are innocent; I bet my life on that. Come on seriously; are you still thinking that you are living in a system where  everyone is equal? Open your eyes and mind! See, people see!

Most religious practices piss me off at one point. That is the GOD has some personal secretaries through whom you can approach the GOD. What does that mean? If GOD created all the people on the planet then is he/she not supposed to treat everyone the same? Why is the GOD communicating with only some elect people? Then what about me? Am I abandoned already? In that case, I am going to abandon the GOD. Or on the other hand, if GOD treats everyone equal, then what about these religious appointees who claim that they are someone special than me; they should be cheats. In that case, I am not going to follow them.

In fact, I don’t follow the GOD that someone teaches me to follow. I don’t follow some GOD because my parents did, and I will not follow some GOD because I have to. I will follow my own GOD if I choose to. What is GOD doing here anyway?

We have social security numbers and identification numbers in all countries. Nobody opposed about it. Nobody said that you shouldn’t put a number in my identity card. Why are people so obsessed to have a chip or a code or a number implanted in them so that they don’t need to carry and ID, they don’t need to carry a credit card and they don’t need to carry any document to prove anything about them.

Think of a barcode on a product. All information on that product is saved somewhere. When you scan the barcode, you get access to that information. It is the same way to having a chip. I know people are guilty of being technologically advanced but wasn’t this the case with surgeries a long time ago?
When Leonardo Da Vinci tried to bisect and study the human bodies, it is the religious authorities that forbid them. Now tell me a religion that does not allow surgeries. You are so afraid of the intelligence and independence of the people so that you prohibit them; if needed, kill them. Yet, when you need it, you do it. Really? Free world?

Imagine that you have a small implantation that is the size of a rice grain or even smaller that you don’t even feel that it is there in your body. When you go to work, it gets identified and you get paid in points. When you go to school, the identity is there. Your performance is monitored. When you go to a shopping mall, your points are deducted and you don’t even have to bother about it. No one can steal points from you. No one can imitate you. And no one can compel you. Your heartbeat, your brain waves, your iris, your fingerprint and your DNA could be the passwords. It will be as perfect as that.

You are paying for your telephone, your power, your water, your transport where in fact it should all be free. The reason why none of those are free is because all that money you pay goes into the accumulation and never gets back. All you get back is slavery.

I am going to welcome a new world order and I am going to initiate the move. I am asking people to actively participate in designing a new world order that works for everyone. I don’t want to follow some set of rules that some bankers made and some money needy politician approved. I want an order where my inputs are there too. I want to be in an order where I am part of the power; not under the power.

Don’t you want to be in a place where you wanted to be? don’t you want to have laws that you agreed to? Did you know that law they passed last year? You don’t know, do you? Do you even get to have a chance to vote for a particular law? No! Politicians vote for it. From the history, say to yourself “can politicians be bought for money?” It is up to you. Don’t you think that when a law that is all about you has to have your approval to be practiced? I think so!

If you had a chip inside and had access to the voting platform online (which was an imagination twenty years ago and is more than reality now), you could simply vote for individual laws and regulations. If the majority of the people don’t vote for it, then it doesn’t happen! won’t it be nice?
Come out of your hidings. I am calling you to creating New World Order. Whether you come in or not, I am going to make it happen. It is up to you to Join or Pain

I am Neo, the first citizen to join the New World Order; and that is today!

Welcome to the New World Order

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 OSCARS 87th Academy Awards Winners

Finally the OSCARS are out there. After big expectations, the big night has revealed the winners...!!!

Here we are.

Best supporting actor
WINNER: JK Simmons for Whiplash Robert Duvall for The Judge
Ethan Hawke for Boyhood
Edward Norton for Birdman
Mark Ruffalo for Foxcatcher
Achievement in costume design
WINNER: The Grand Budapest Hotel – Milena Canonero
Inherent Vice – Mark Bridges
Into the Woods – Colleen Atwood
Maleficent – Anna B Sheppard
Mr Turner – Jacqueline Durran
Achievement in makeup and hairstyling
WINNER: The Grand Budapest Hotel – Frances Hannon, Mark Coulier
Foxcatcher – Bill Corso, Dennis Liddiard
Guardians of the Galaxy – Elizabeth Yianni-Georgiou, David White
WINNER: Ida – Paweł Pawlikowski Tangerines – Zaza Urushadze
Leviathan – Andrey Zvyagintsev
Wild Tales – Damián Szifrón
Timbuktu – Abderrahmane Sissako
Best live-action short film
WINNER: The Phone Call – Mat Kirkby, James Lucas
Aya – Oded Binnun, Mihal Brezis
Boogaloo and Graham – Michael Lennox, Ronan Blaney
Butter Lamp – Wei Hu, Julien Féret
Parvaneh – Talkhon Hamzavi, Stefan Eichenberger
Best documentary short subject
WINNER: Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1 – Ellen Goosenberg Kent, Dana Perry
Joanna – Aneta Kopacz
Our Curse – Tomasz Sliwinski, Maciej Slesicki
The Reaper – Gabriel Serra
White Earth – Christian Jensen
Achievement in sound mixing
WINNER: Whiplash – Craig Mann, Ben Wilkins, Thomas Curley
American Sniper – John T Reitz, Gregg Rudloff, Walt Martin
Birdman – Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño, Thomas Varga
Interstellar – Gary Rizzo, Gregg Landaker, Mark Weingarten
Unbroken – Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño, David Lee
Achievement in sound editing
WINNER: American Sniper – Alan Robert Murray, Bub Asman
Birdman – Aaron Glascock, Martín Hernández
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – Brent Burge, Jason Canovas
Interstellar – Richard King
Unbroken – Becky Sullivan, Andrew DeCristofaro
Best supporting actress
WINNER: Patricia Arquette for Boyhood
Laura Dern for Wild
Keira Knightley for The Imitation Game
Emma Stone for Birdman
Meryl Streep for Into the Woods
Achievement in visual effects

 WINNER: Interstellar – Paul J Franklin, Andrew Lockley, Ian Hunter, Scott R Fisher
Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Dan Deleeuw, Russell Earl, Bryan Grill, Daniel Sudick
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – Joe Letteri, Dan Lemmon, Daniel Barrett, Erik Winquist
Guardians of the Galaxy – Stephane Ceretti, Nicolas Aithadi, Jonathan Fawkner, Paul Corbould
X-Men: Days of Future Past – Richard Stammers, Lou Pecora, Tim Crosbie, Cameron Waldbauer
Best animated short film
WINNER: Feast – Patrick Osborne, Kristina Reed
The Bigger Picture – Daisy Jacobs, Chris Hees
The Dam Keeper – Robert Kondo, Daisuke “Dice” Tsutsumi
Me and My Moulton – Torill Kove
A Single Life – Joris Oprins
Best animated feature film
WINNER: Big Hero 6 The Boxtrolls
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Song of the Sea
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Best production design
WINNER: The Grand Budapest Hotel: Adam Stockhausen, Anna Pinnock
The Imitation Game: Maria Djurkovic, Tatiana Macdonald
Interstellar: Nathan Crowley, Gary Fettis
Into the Woods: Dennis Gassner, Anna Pinnock
Mr Turner: Suzie Davies, Charlotte Watts
Achievement in cinematography
WINNER: Birdman: Emmanuel Lubezki
The Grand Budapest Hotel: Robert D Yeoman
Ida: Lukasz Zal, Ryszard Lenczewski
Mr Turner: Dick Pope
Unbroken: Roger Deakins
Achievement in film editing
WINNER: Whiplash – Tom Cross
Boyhood – Sandra Adair
The Imitation Game – William Goldenberg
The Grand Budapest Hotel – Barney Pilling
American Sniper – Joel Cox, Gary Roach
Best documentary feature
WINNER: Citizenfour – Laura Poitras, Mathilde Bonnefoy, Dirk Wilutzky
Finding Vivian Maier – John Maloof, Charlie Siskel
Last Days in Vietnam – Rory Kennedy, Keven McAlester
The Salt of the Earth – Wim Wenders, Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, David Rosier
Virunga – Orlando von Einsiedel, Joanna Natasegara
Best original song
WINNER: Glory from Selma – Lonnie Lynn (Common), John Stephens (John Legend)
The Lego Movie – Shawn Patterson (Everything Is Awesome)
Beyond the Lights – Diane Warren (Grateful)
Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me – Glen Campbell, Julian Raymond (I’m Not Gonna Miss You)
Begin Again – Gregg Alexander, Danielle Brisebois (Lost Stars)
Best original score
WINNER: Alexandre Desplat – The Grand Budapest Hotel
Alexandre Desplat – The Imitation Game
Hans Zimmer – Interstellar
Jóhann Jóhannsson– The Theory of Everything
Gary Yershon – Mr Turner
Original screenplay
WINNER: Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Armando Bo – Birdman
Richard Linklater – Boyhood
E Max Frye, Dan Futterman – Foxcatcher
Wes Anderson, Hugo Guinness – The Grand Budapest Hotel
Dan Gilroy – Nightcrawler
Adapted screenplay
WINNER: Graham Moore – The Imitation Game
Jason Hall – American Sniper
Paul Thomas Anderson – Inherent Vice
Anthony McCarten – The Theory of Everything
Damien Chazelle – Whiplash
Best director
WINNER: Alejandro González Iñárritu for Birdman
Richard Linklater for Boyhood
Bennett Miller for Foxcatcher
Wes Anderson for The Grand Budapest Hotel
Morten Tyldum for The Imitation Game
Best actor
WINNER: Eddie Redmayne for The Theory of Everything
Steve Carell for Foxcatcher
Benedict Cumberbatch for The Imitation Game
Bradley Cooper for American Sniper
Michael Keaton for Birdman
Best actress
WINNER: Julianne Moore for Still Alice
Marion Cotillard for Two Days, One Night
Felicity Jones for The Theory of Everything
Rosamund Pike for Gone Girl
Reese Witherspoon for Wild
Best picture

WINNER: Birdman
American Sniper
The Imitation Game
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Theory of Everything

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2015 OSCARS 87th Academy Awards Nominees

The 2015 OSCAR awards have made such an expectation into the audience. We are all mad about knowing who is going to grab what. It will all be revealed starting from 10pm GMT, 22 February 2015.

Let's see the nominations.

Best Picture OSCAR Nominees 2015 [ Best Picture 87th Academy Awards Nominees]

  • American Sniper: Clint Eastwood, Robert Lorenz, Adrew Lazar, Bradely Cooper, Peter Morgan

  • Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance): Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, John Lesher, James W. Skotchdopole

  • Boyhood: Richard Linklater, Cathleen Sutherland

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel: Wes Anderson, Scott Rudin, Steven Rales, Jeremy Dawson

  • The Imitation Game: Nora Grossman, Ido Ostrowsky, Teddy Schawrzman

  • Selma: Christian Colson, Oprah Winfrey, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner

  • The Theory of Everything: Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Lisa Bruce, Anthony McCarten

  • Whiplash: Jason Blum, Helen Estabrook, David Lancaster

Best Directing OSCAR Nominees 2015 [ Best Directing 87th Academy Awards Nominees]

  • Wes Anderson: The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
  • Richard Linklater: Boyhood
  • Bennett Miller: Foxcatcher
  • Morten Tyldum: The Imitation Game

Best Actor OSCAR Nominees 2015 [ Best Actor 87th Academy Awards Nominees]

  • Steve Carell: Foxcatcher [John Eleuthere du Pont]
  • Bradley Cooper: American Sniper [Chris Kyle]
  • Benedict Cumberbatch: The Imitation Game [Alan Turing]
  • Michael Keaton: Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [Riggan Thomson/Birdman]
  • Eddie Redmayne: The Theory of Everything [Stephen Hawking]

Best Actress OSCAR Nominees 2015 [ Best Actress 87th Academy Awards Nominees]

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