Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Energy Solution for a New World Order

The Energy Solution for a New World Order

We all know that the biggest problem in the world is the scarcity of energy or the price we have to pay for it. All the power that you are using is coming mostly from burning fuel; either fossil or nuclear. Either ways, we are paying a lot environmentally and economically. Are these the only ways used? No. We have all kinds of natural energy conversion methods.

We can convert the wind energy with turbines into some good amount of electricity. We can convert the light from the sun as the solar energy and use it. We can use the mechanical energy of the tidal waves to produce electricity. We can use all kinds of alternative energy sources; but not to destroying the natural resources. The worst thing about the nuclear energy is the waste emanating from the consumption of nuclear rods. After usage, the nuclear rods are like armed ammunition that you have to dump them somewhere safe for around not twenty years, but around twenty million years for them to naturally eradicate and to become harmless. Can you imagine why we need an order?

Yes we can stop all of these mad things. Vehicles don’t necessarily have to run on fossil fuels but the oil companies have to. There is sufficient technology to produce vehicles that are completely electrical and produce less heat as well along with no emission at all. Why are we not doing it? Because the oil companies don’t want to lose their business. Again, where is all the money going? The money is being dumped into properties, gold and in bank accounts and it never comes back. What is money? It simply is the conversion of hard work of people at the low end of the community. It accumulates along the chain and ends up in the hands of a few elite people (or so they think they are). If the oil companies were taken over by the New World Order administration, then no single individual will receive all that wealth and there will be no barrier to making sustainable energy solutions.
Researches on alternative energy solutions are either suppressed or are controlled by most energy companies. And most energy companies have their connections to the banks. And the banks don’t want to lose any of their money. So they will never stop this. You talk about global warming, planet heating and people getting lung cancer from lead emissions from automobile emissions; they don’t care. The most important thing is that these people who benefit from the use of fossil fuel are not exposed to the effects created by the use of it. It is you and me that are affected. And we don’t care either. So they are happy.

Does anyone know about Mr. Nicola Tesla? The poor man introduced Alternating Current (AC Electricity) to the world so that we are all having access to power at our homes. Do you know what happened to him? He was trying some natural energy conversion researches which will not use fossil fuel. What happened to him? One of the greatest scientists to have ever walked the face of the earth got abandoned by these people and they withdrew all the funding to his researches so that he could not continue what he started. The poor man used to spend the rest of his life in bars and pubs talking science to drunken people.

The government did not help him; nobody questioned the authorities and nobody dared to oppose those big people with big money. They need you to be consuming supplies from them. For example, if I created a tree that will live for a thousand years and will give enough food for ten people every single day, they will not allow me to do it because their food business will go down.
They have already started to control the food supply of the world by introducing intellectual property rights and the genetically modified seeds. So that the farmers can buy seeds from them, cultivate and harvest but they cannot reseed from the harvest seeds because they have the intellectual property of the corporate companies. Really? Some DNA of a plant is your intellectual property?

Think what will happen if the power is free. If the energy doesn’t cost anything, then probably most things will not cost more than two percent of what they cost now. Imagine, the metals are processed from oars and that needs energy. The purified metals are used to produce automobiles and that needs energy. The automobiles carry stuff here and there and that needs energy. The supermarkets run air conditioners; computers and other machines and those need energy.

To make it clear to you, I will use some money tags. If the energy was free to processing the metals, then the raw metal cost will go down. Then the automobile prices will go down. And then the transportation costs will go down dramatically. The running cost and the maintenance cost of machineries, stores and showrooms will go down. If all of these costs are reduced from the price you are charged from a supermarket, then you will be able to buy anything at less than ten percent of the cost that you are buying now.

Can you understand why you feel what you earn is not enough? Because these people have fixed you a salary and they make sure it is not enough for you to live comfortably, so that you don’t start thinking about the world. They know that if you start thinking, then you will start questioning. They don’t like people questioning them. So they make sure that you are kept busy, and are presented with a schedule of what to do when you get some free time and what to buy when you have some extra money.

That particular perfume you bought for that hilarious amount of money; do you really think you need that one? You felt like buying it because of the status they have creatively added to it with the fantastic advertisements and the so called life style.

Okay, think about how much does your hand bag cost. Is it really worth that money? It will probably cost less than one percent of the cost to manufacture it. They want to make sure that you run out of money. And they add prices knowing that you will buy it. If you are interested, then they will create an interest and call it the trend. Then you will fall for it.

What will happen if all the energy was free? Someone else will start making these same things for much lesser prices and the big giants cannot compete with small people. If farmers had power for free (including the energy for the vehicles they use) then will not have to skip farming and go to something else. Probably cultivation will become the most respectful job in the world; and that is the way it should be. They are the ones that feed the entire planet, not the businessmen, not the doctors, not the politicians; it is the farmers who feed the world. And they are not considered as the high people in the society. Someone who is instrumental in poisoning your air is a hero for you and someone who works hard to keep you alive is nothing for you. Really? I am going to change it.

I am going to make sure that energy is free for every single person on this planet when I take over the New World Order. I am going to make sure that emissions go to zero. You think it is impossible? Please don’t use that word in front of me. Please don’t accept failure without even giving it a try.

Is it possible to make energy free for everyone? Yes, it is absolutely possible. If you can cover the roofs of each and every single building on the planet, then it will already sort out around thirty percent of all the energy needs.  Don’t tell me it is expensive and cannot do. Do you know how much a space shuttle costs? Do you know how much a space plane costs? And do you know how much money they have dumped away from you? It is more than just possible. There are places on the face of the earth where there is continuous and sufficient wind flow all around the year. You can plant thousands of wind turbines within a few square kilometer areas. They can then take care of the energy needs of entire cities. The world has aggressive coasts where there are powerful tides all over the year. They can provide a better energy conversion. They can cover the needs of coastal cities. Don’t talk about the costs of setting up these initial materials.

Just go and do a research on how many cars are being manufactured in a year. You will then know what I am talking is just another easy thing. Do you know how many commercial buildings are being built in an year? Do you know the cost of all the buildings that were built in the past five years? You head will spin. I assure you, to build up the initial structures to provide power will cost very less than what we are spending now.

It is the voices of people that become together and become the voice of the world. Come join me to make a New World Order where energy is free to everyone and there are zero percent automobile emissions so that everyone can live without wearing a mass.

You don’t have to go on the streets and protest against the government. Just make sure that you express you support to this idea. You can do it here on this page, or do it wherever you can on the internet. Please make sure that no one condemns you as trying to riot or protest. Because that is what these big guys will start doing when our ideas get stronger and our voices get together.

So I am not encouraging anyone to physically make an expression. Do it online, share the thought to people that are like minded. Let us create a world order that works for us; not just for the billionaires of the world.

Whoever has an ear; let him hear. I am Neo; and I am engaging soon. 

If you want a better place, then join me; or end up in reaping the pain for your negligence.