Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Antichrist, CERN and the Concern - Part 2

This is a critical time in human history because we are not informed of all advances that have taken place in science. We are only given bits and pieces of the real information. They have tried alternate realities. They have even searched for him in parallel worlds. Yes, there are parallel worlds where human like populations exist.

These so called elites have tried their best to figure out the Antichrist and kill him if he had taken asylum in some of those places just before taking over the world. Well, if it all sounds supernatural and unbelievable to you, ask your grandpa if he would have believed all what he sees 50 years back. Whatever is a known fact in this decade would have been considered supernatural and unbelievable 50 years ago. So is the case with the near future for this generation.

This generation; that gives me a hell of a reminder about some bible verses. The bible has said that there would be a generation that will see the turning over of the world from many nations to one world. That is the New World Order as it is best known. Many preachers have preached it in the wrong way, saying the end of the world will be within 70 years of the formation of Israel, or 120 years from the formation of Israel. Both are wrong explanations; but this generation will last for more than a thousand years. We are going to enter into an age where we will not have to age. That will be the biggest advantage this Antichrist will bring. He will make it possible to live longer, like a thousand years. And he will have the control of everyone’s lives as a security measure. If someone committed a crime worthy of death penalty (or so he thinks) he will simply shut them down. And if you wanted to commit suicide and he decided you cannot die, then you cannot die; he will keep saving you like rebooting a computer. The bible talks about this as well. I don’t know the exact verse, but it says that people will want to die but they will not find death.

Coming back to CERN; they have placed a statue of the Hindu Lord Shiva in front of the organization’s head quarters. This means there is relationship between these two. You find out what it is. You are going to get shocked. They are trying to get some help from other life forms to defeat the Antichrist and to ruling this world; it is not going to happen. The real Antichrist will come up and take over all of them. So now their big struggle is to prohibit the Antichrist from coming up the stage. They try to show their allegiance to all sort of GODs that they can but yet, they will fail.

The Antichrist on the other hand is watching all of these from above and below the time. Whenever these guys move up and down in time, he is also making his move to make sure he is hidden from these people in his vulnerable times. There are restrictions to time travel where you can only alter so much in the distance time period because smaller changes will cause huge changes over time. The nearer you travel in time, the much changes you can make. The farer you travel in time, you are vulnerable to destroying your own existence in time. This is what limits the Antichrist from destroying all of these people because if he destroyed them, then he might not well be present in the future. So he rather would have chosen to fight; I mean there is no other option but to resist. The same goes for the illuminati and people. They can only do so much. If they did too much then they might end up destroying themselves. In this considerably over the top race for power, the Antichrist however has been anointed by GODs to be the one man savior for humanity. He will be there, waiting for all of us to arrive in time. I mean, he is here in our own time as well, but he is also there in our future. The present day he will know that there is a future day he. And the future day he will know that the present day feels the future day he. This is what makes him communicating with himself in different time spectrums without having to travel through time. This might make the Antichrist able to talk to his own self in a different timeline through dreams. Dreams are inter-dimensional. Dreams defy gravity, time and some other aspects of our real world. If the Antichrist in the future has mastered to control dreams, then he would reach the current day Antichrist and give him instructions to be on track.

There is no technology yet to hack into someone’s dream and record it without the dreamer knowing it. Even if they caught the present day Antichrist and wanted to record his dreams, the future Antichrist will know the fact by the present one knowing it. And the future one will manipulate the dream.

In the summary, if you think that the illuminati, the bankers and the Roman Catholic Church are paving the path for the Antichrist; then yes, you are right. But the real purpose behind them is that they want to eliminate him and share the power. The Antichrist knows this and he will turn against all that want to be in power.

So no; don’t tell that the Antichrist will be illuminati, Roman Catholic or will embrace the powers of the world. He will make his own power. What is of concern to you is that which side will you be? because these people are so thirst for power, they will not give up. And he will have to destroy them and their associates. This is going to result in much people being killed. Of course it will be massacre and mass murders but he won’t care. Choose your side should you accept one.

The Antichrist, CERN and the Concern - Part 1

The Antichrist is to come and we know that, but what are the connections to CERN with him? Both the subjects discussed here are huge and heavy. The Antichrist is heavier than the CERN. So, it is CERN that is going to play a role to bring about the Antichrist to his place; or is that so?

Let’s start with CERN and then move to the Antichrist. CERN is the abbreviation for the European Organization for Nuclear Research; weird way of abbreviating it, isn’t it? It is an organization for some research. What is so important about it? This organization has a machine, I mean The Machine that cost them more than a billion dollars to build. It has been operating for several years and the operating costs are not publicly available. You imagine it as the most expensive machine operating at the most expensive cost.

This machine so far is the largest of machines built by mankind in the known history. The machine has parts that extend up to 30 miles in radius. So what does it do? This thing does not run in nuclear power, this thing does not generate nuclear power; this thing breaks nuclei of atoms, and then breaks the smaller particles inside the nuclei of the atoms. The power needed for these processes are only gained within this machine in. The typical particle breakdown happens by forcing two particles to collide with each other. Imagine two vehicles colliding head to head. Now imagine two fighter jets colliding head to head; that would be crazy. Okay, imagine two bullets colliding head to head; how would you like to observe it? Now take something a million times faster than the bullets and collide two of those head to head; that is what they are doing within the machine. These machines are usually called the Large Hadron Colliders or the Particle Accelerators.

There are many such machines all around the world, but the one at CERN is the king of all. So, the particle collision is just a way of trying to observe what happened in the universe when there were no atoms formed yet. That is just one of thousands of reasons why the experiments happen in the underground giant machine.

Now, to record the events that happen inside the collider during the experiments when they collide these particles, they need faster systems. They first accelerate these particles to around 99.9999% speed the light, and then collide them. To observe and record the changes that take place, they need to have systems that respond faster than light. I guess they already have those there. And to do calculations in real time, they are going to need like the best supercomputer that will be declassified after 20 years from now. I guess they have that too.

But wait, did you watch that video? CERN also contributed to creating the internet. It is not just a nuclear research organization. The purpose of that organization was, just like the UN, to unite the nations. In plain words, this could be said as CERN was meant to be a tool to creating a New World Order and it serves pretty well to the purpose. What else does the Antichrist want than tools to creating the New World Order?

CERN is not just that; it is also attempting to opening a portal to extra dimensions. Just like in the movies where star gate portals open up to other worlds, this experiment is also trying open portals to other worlds. Literally, they are expecting something or someone to pop out of the opening portal.

CERN is also a time machine. They cannot manipulate time in a controlled manner yet, but they can travel back and forth in time with limitations and restrictions.

In short, the people at CERN don’t really know what they are dealing with. It is like a baby playing with an electronic toy not knowing how it is working. Imagine a baby getting an electric shock from an electronic toy. That is very much a plausible scenario here. The scientists at CERN have clarified this themselves. They are going through things that they have never anticipated before.

I am not sure if they were successful, but even if they did, they wouldn’t have seen this Antichrist in the future. Because this guy would have had access to this type of technology in the future and then decided to go back and erase all evidences leading towards him; so that no one can destroy him from the past.

Why should he do this? That is because the Roman Catholic Church, the Illuminati, the bankers and all that seek more power want to get to his place, and he is not going to give it to them. He is going to take over all of these people. They know this. So they try to advertise that they want to serve him. Thinking they can fool him when he is in his very primitive age, he would believe in them and will go to them for assistance; these people keep on symbolizing everything with 666. They do this to attract that man towards them. Their plan is to destroy him once he goes to them.

But they will be proven wrong when he turns against them. They cannot find it out by going into the future, because if this guy has access to all of these technologies, then he is going to counter act to each and every single actions of these people. So they would have attempted to murder him when he was young, but he would have had a loop to go back before they kill him and to manipulate his parents. If he did that, they can never find out the man but he would exist in the future.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How would he emerge? the Antichrist - Part 2

If you take Muslims and Christians, that is more than half of the world’s population. Having these people by his side, he will have already gotten the respect as the global leader, but he will not mention a single thing about ruling the world. He will seem to be happy about people.

Since he has solved a big problem, people will turn to him to solve the economic crisis; like the world reserve currency issue. He will solve it. Then people will go to him for the political issues. Then he will solve it. It is by this time, that he solves the political issues, will he be requested to be the leader of the world. He will NOT take over by the right of the heir to take the throne. People will ask him to lead them.

It is somewhere along this side would he have already done a big and devastating fight in a small nation and freed an even smaller nation. It should happen right before the people ask him to solve the political issues. Since he has already solved a political issue in a small nation with a very tough hand, people will ask him to take tight actions to make this new political solution to work.

So he will present them the plan; the one world order. Since people are already familiar with this theme, he will have no issues to promote it and the people will immediately accept it. This not because people like a New World Order, but because they believe in this guy and they think that he can solve the problem and handle it further. Once he has devised the plan, he will act on it and behold; there would be the New World Order. Even at that point, he will not show interest to be their leader, but the people will ask him to be the leader. The reason will be that he was the only one who was capable of handling such a big responsibility.

It is at this point, that he will take over the world.

Numbers do speak. The bible has a heavy symbolism of numbers. Jesus went into the ministries when he was 30 years old and he died when he was 33. This guy is going to die when he is 33 too; in the sense, he is not going to be a human anymore. Like after dying, Jesus was no more a human but lived (that’s what the Christians believe), this guy is also going dye as a human but to emerge as a superhuman; that’s right. He would have figured out a way of altering his DNA, so that when he does, he could not be recognized as a human in a DNA test.

And when he is 33, he will do this and will look younger for probable a hundred years more. It after that he had taken over the world as a leader, he will instate tough rules to punish people against his laws; by doing this, he himself will become a lawless one. That is because these laws will mostly instate death penalties.

This is how he will kill many people. He will have a mechanism to kill people without arresting him. The entire world would know what he is doing, but no one would question because they would be thinking that he was doing something good for them.

It will be like him killing 10,000 terrorists at once. Although it is a mass murder; people will take him as a hero and will worship him for saving them from 10,000 terrorists. Stop setting times and names for the Antichrist. Only GOD and this guy know who he is. I mean this guy already knows that he is going to be the antichrist. So that he is hiding himself until he can yield his full powers. If the time is ripe, then he is already into programming an artificial intelligence to monitor his genetic regeneration when he does it later.

There are only two conclusions to the story. You can either be on his side, or dye now; because in his reign you cannot die as immediately as you wish. You will not have the freedom of death. He will have you accounted for. If you commit suicide, he will bring you back to life. You cut your head off; he will have the technology to bring you back. It is at this time that some people will want to die, but they will not hit it.

So, where are you going to be? Oh, by the way, the illuminati, the bankers, the cabbala, secret societies and all of that losers are going to lose to him; because this guy will not give sh&*&t about them at all. They will prepare the world for him, not knowing that he will only become their enemy. Once he does, he will exterminate them all. Since he can read the minds of the people, he will immediately know who gets the thoughts to have the ultimate power. When he knows that there is someone potentially trying to take him over, he will always find a good reason to kill.

It will be hilarious. Like when he wants kill one banker in a city, he will find a reason to wipe out the entire city. Funny enough; the people will approve his act after he has done it. So if you think that being on the side of these secrete occult cults would bring you mercy in the hands of the Antichrist; then you are wrong. This guy will go for the powerful people first.

Well, make you move now. He is pretty sure close by.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How would he emerge? The Antichrist

How would he emerge? The Antichrist

He has had many different names and many different descriptions. What we know for sure is that he is going to come and we are all expecting him to come on stage. He should come because it is one of those things that are defined forever.

It is even natural to think of it in the light of evolution concepts. Evolution has produced much better organizations and individuals over the past so many years. It is very natural that a population the size of six billion wants to have a leader. It surely is. It is like a honey bee hive needs to have a queen that we now need to have a king. The problem is that all people with higher intelligence, knowledge and power want to get to that place. It seems like it is already reserved for one person.

Since this person is not named anywhere in the past, the people are trying to become the king themselves. The problem with the Pope, the illuminati idiots, the scientists, the politicians and all that have tried it in the past like Napoleon and Alexander is that they did not know for sure that they were this person; they only wanted to become this person. Of course everyone had thought that these people had become THE KINGs, but then it turned out that they were not good enough to be the ultimate superman.

Superman; yes, that is what this person is going to be. Oh, by the way, have you ever wondered why we had to have all these movies with superheroes? That is because we are going to have a man with superhuman powers and for us to let him blend in, we need to be conditioned. Conditioning is a term used in analytical psychology mostly to describe an individual’s behavior when exposed to certain conditions. It is studied with some animals’ behaviors how they respond to two stimuli (or conditions) given at the same time; and then later you remove one condition and give only the other and the animal still behaves the same.

Just clear it out; you ring a bell and bring some meat to that dog in the cage. Every time you ring the bell and bring the meat, the dog will drop saliva; because of the craving for meat. Then you do it for around a week and then stop bringing meat. Yet, when you ring the bell, the dog will drip saliva as if there were meat!

The dog has been conditioned to agree that there was food every time the bell rang!!!

We are being treated the same. We are given situations in the movies where we have a difficult situation where no ordinary human can do anything, then the solution is that there is a superhero who comes in for resolution. Now that we have accepted it in the subconscious mind, even outside the movies, now we know there are conditions that no ordinary human can handle, but we want someone to handle those. So naturally, we are expecting for a hero; more accurately, a superhero.

Why is this useful? It will help the people to accept a man with superhuman powers when he first shows up. If the people are not conditioned to accept him, then they will be afraid of him and will ask him to leave them alone. Now that we are all conditioned, we are going to welcome this guy. Only people who are not going to welcome him are the ones that are not conditioned. These would be people who don’t have access to Television. And there is only a handful of communities who don’t have access to television. And even these people will accept him because anything supernatural is GOD to these people. So the least intelligent or least knowledged people will not just accept this man as a hero, but they will worship him as the GOD.

This is where he will get the nick name as the GOD first. Eventually the antichrist will be treated like GOD by many people who get saved by him from the sufferings of the world and then most people will start to accepting him as GOD. This will all take time, but will happen.

To be honest, this guy is not going to rule the world for six or seven years; he is going to be here for a thousand years. Of course, this guy will not be immortal but he will live for a long time because he would have figured out a way to alter the DNA to make him live longer. It happened before in the human history, and it will happen again in the human history. Christians have a familiar name; the Nephilim. These are attested to basically the children who were born to the human woman and to non human entities who were in essence, extra terrestrials. If you want to call them the angels, do so. If you want to call them the demons, you are welcome too. The fact is that they were not humans, and they did infiltrate the human gene pool. The offspring of this mixture were very mighty. They were better than humans in every means and they did live longer years. This in scientific view today could be explained as the result of the combination of the DNA of both species. As far as science knows, you need to have DNA to create a human being in the womb of a woman.

Now, interestingly enough, the bible also says that the days when Jesus would come back to save the earth (that’s what the bible says and the Christians actually believe that Jesus will come back again) will be unto the days of Noah. Noah was a righteous man in whose time there were these Nephilim. An interestingly enough, Noah lived more than five hundred years. In his time, there were these other bastard sons and daughters who were mightier than humans.

Coming back to the present, the Antichrist figure has to be something that has never been seen before. For the entire humanity to think and accept him as THE MAN to lead them all, he needs have some pretty tough combinations. We have had people who were poets and at the same time mathematicians. We have had actors who have turned to be presidents. We have had people that were sportsman and women.

This coming Antichrist will demonstrate a combined skills of all people ever lived on earth; I mean he will have to. Imagine; if you had a man who can beat the world records in each and every track event, and if he turned out to be the best cinema actor to have ever lived, and if he was a scientist, and if he was magician, and if he was also a good hearted man, and if he can read minds, and if he can heal people… You add whatever anyone on earth has ever done. This guy is going to be able to do these things.

And when he does, people are going to look at him with wonder and excitement. At first, he will only demonstrate his skills and seek to become famous and popular. Once he is known to the entire world, then he will be requested to suggest an idea to solve some kind of problem. From the current world politics, economics and the bible prophecies; it seems like this suggestion would be about the third temple of Solomon in Israel. He is going to do it very peacefully where the Jews will be happy and the Muslims will be happy at the same time. People are going to look at him like a GOD. And all Jews will respect this guy for giving them something that they have been wanting to for more than 2000 years. The Muslims will be happy that he gave them a solution where the Jews did not rule the Muslims.

By doing this, he will have taken the third temple to be reinstated. Once this temple is on, he will then be seen as the best friend by all Christians because this third temple will become the most holy place for Christians, Jews and Muslims at the same time.

The only requirement the Muslims have, to worship inside a building, is that there should be no idles or statues. The third temple will not have statues. The Muslims don’t sacrifice animals to their GOD but the Jews do. The antichrist will sort out these problems somehow for all of these people to come together.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The long awaited one

The Long Awaited One is a term used by the prophet Nostradamus in his quatrains of prophecies. But the term can mean anything that was waited for long. We are going to witness many Long Awaited Ones in the future of us. The future of the planet earth is having so many Long Awaited Ones. 


The end of the world is certainly one thing that people have long awaited for. It will happen, but we do not know when. Since this began some time back in the past, this should end sometime in the future. It is not just some religious believe or some prophecy. It is also very much scientific to say that the world will come to an end. Everything that has a beginning has and end; every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Forget and forgive the date setters. They just want business; you don’t. Science has set up timings for the end of the physical world as it is today. The time is so far in the future that even human race could not be Homo sapiens at the time that happening. 


The Antichrist is someone in place of Christ. Many people, even Christians misunderstand the term as in opposition to Christ. This is a wrong perception. The Antichrist is to rule the world with great majority and support. If he is to oppose Christ, one billion Christians will not support him. So he will not oppose Christ. He will take the place of Christ. And when he does, people will not offend him, they will support him and marvel at him. Prophecies become true and people often realize that the events have taken place only after they have taken place. This is because of the over – imagined scenarios of the prophecies will make people blind to no to see the real time world events. As a fact, people will not understand this person as the antichrist as he arises on the world scene. 

People are looking for a smart, perfect and GOD like individual to come and take the seat of the Antichrist. This is where he benefits; he has no trouble coming to the seat without anybody knowing. It is the habit of the general public to look for an anaconda which is less deadly than a cobra; when they are instructed to look for a harmful snake. Setting up geographical regions for the antichrist to come from will not benefit until you let all your knowledge go out and start from the beginning like a learner. As the Bible says, he is not to be an Israelite. He will be one from the gentiles; that is anyone but not a Jew. The interesting thing is that people are very much interested in genealogy and are trying to bond their bloodlines to some famous person in the past. 

This Antichrist man will also have some way of finding out something that will make the earth to believe that he is actually a descendant of King David. I am not sure, if the person will claim that he is a descendant of Jesus Himself. The big trouble is that the world will believe in whatever nonsense he says; because he will make them believe. Remember, a person to rule the entire world cannot be stupid. Even though he will exalt himself against all that is respected as GOD, he will start humble in the beginning. This guy is just perfect for the character. 

 According to Nostradamus, the Long Awaited One should be born in October. Nostradamus says “3rd of October”. He does not mean the date, he means the 3rd antichrist. He has seen 3 antichrists and he describes in a discrete quatrain “Dragon the third of October”. I see that Nostradamus is telling that the third person will be as powerful and magical as a dragon, and this person is coming out of October. That is, he is born in October. Nostradamus gives a clue of the day of birth of the third antichrist. When he says that he will have Thursday as his holy day, we must thing that he has a holy day for himself. Does everybody have a holy day for themselves? I think yes; my holy day is my birth day. How is that? As many understood, it is not that he will come out of a nation which will have Thursday as a holy day. But it is simply a reference to his birth day; he will be born on a Thursday of an October. Which year though? 

Nostradamus doesn’t seem to have pinpointed the date of birth; but there is another person called Father Maximus who wrote a book talking about “the antichrist was born in 1983 and the judgment day will come in 2013”. Father Maximus has seen the year of birth of the antichrist to be 1983. Combining these two people’s visions, we can see the date of birth of the Antichrist. We can understand that the Antichrist was born on a Thursday in October 1983. But which Thursday? 

Nostradamus gives one more clue. He should be born in one of the three water signs of astrology. Some people understand this as the conjunction of three oceans; but it is wrong. Nostradamus means the 3 water signs. The three water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. If you take these three signs, Scorpio is the only sign that has part of October. Cancer is June-July, Pisces is February-March; Scorpio starts from 21 October to November. So if the man is born under Scorpio and in October and on a Thursday, it should be a Thursday after 21st October. 

And there is only one date; 27th October 1983. 

If this interpretation is tight, then the antichrist is already in the world. Nostradamus also says that his war will last for 27 years. His war means the struggle he will have within. I understand like he will know definitely that he is the antichrist when he is 27 years old. It should have happened in 2010. So the Long Awaited One is already present.

Friday, August 7, 2015

What do people look on the internet? How will it change in a New World Order?

The public mind has been infected with ideas that are tailored by the ones that want to rule the world. They achieve their goal by setting up a false goal for you to achieve. The reality is that they use all the tools that people like you invented actually against you.

Being the most widespread media today, the internet is the ultimate solution for total mind control. They started doing experimenting on people a very long time ago. If you want to know if there were such experiments, Google for MKUltra and you will get official information. This is just one example that these projects did exist and authorities did carry on mind control experiments.

They found out there were non intrusive ways to manipulate one’s mind and they adapted to that method because the victim will never realize that he or she was part of a mind control program. They would not believe you if you told them that they were controlled by someone else. The victims would never be touched by someone, so that they never know that they are being controlled.

One of the methods was the continuous exposure to a subject and then the victim gets used to the subject, then feels the need to be involved in the subject and then lives by the subject. The mainstream movies are one such issue.

If you look at the internet for what people are searching for, then you will find out that the term “Insurance” is amongst the top ten searched subjects. This is not because people badly need insurance, but this is because they want you to think that you want insurance; and their plan has worked really great!

If there was no money at all, no one will need insurance. All what an insurance policy does is that rips you off of the money you have earned; so that you don’t have some extra money to do something that they don’t want you to do. So that you will always be short of money, fearing the future, and will never get out of the circle that they have confined you.

You will always have to work to make sure that you afford the kind of insurance you have purchased. This is one of the great deceptions. Some might argue that insurance will help you when you are in need of money, then I would say, well, what we are paying the government is for what? We already pay enough to the governments to run a second government. And that’s exactly what is going on. Remember the American President John F Kennedy said “There is a plot so secret; I want to expose it before I leave this high and noble office”, and then boom… he was killed within seven days of this statement. So, why am I saying this now? Will they kill me now?

No, they don’t care anymore. In fact they now want everybody to know that they are running the world governments; not elections, and not people. There is no more government for the people, by the people.

People are looking for and spending a lot of time on the movie news. People want to know which movie was released today, last week, in the past month and so forth. By searching for these, they are wasting their time in which they could think of being free from their controllers. This is exactly what the ancient gods on earth wanted people to do; be slaves and not to think of a damn thing. If people start thinking, then there would be revolutions; the rulers know that so that they keep you occupied. Movies, are one of the greatest tools for the task.

Most people watch movies online for free and then start chatting about it online. All what you do online is recorded and goes through artificially intelligent programs to determine whether you are potential enemy to the rulers. If you are one, then you will not be beheaded; that was an old style. The new style is that they will buy you for money. There is a price tag for everyone. You might not agree to abide for just a few hundred dollars, but if you are genuinely offered a few hundred million dollars, then yeah, you will!!! And they have more than a few hundred million dollars to offer you.

Just imagine some of the government funded programs and their fund sizes. Take the Large Hadron Collider; the thing was more than a billion dollars just to complete. The operational cost is massive that you don’t even get the exact cost of operation anywhere in the news. How comes that the governments involved in this project don’t have money for a housing scheme to accommodate the homeless in their country? They could easily build a house with lets say 200,000 dollars? If you take that, then with the money they have used on this machine, they could have built more than 50,000 homes; right? They didn’t want to do that. The reason is because all governments need to have some homeless people to carry out some experiments. If you have everyone accounted for, then you cannot plug them out!

Next thing, the job vacancies; people always look for better jobs. This is because people are conditioned psychologically through media, social media, movies, schools and religious institutions that they should have a job and it is very respectful. No, no religion ever said to have a job; all religions encourage you to earn your food, but none ask you to have a job! Even in the current society, you don’t need a job; all you need is money!

Why is that everyone that cares about you is telling you to find a better job? Why are they not telling you to get better money? I mean, is just a job the only way to make money? What about people that have a lot of money but don’t really have a job? If you think about that, you will wake up. So they designed the system in a way that you start learning how to become an educated slave. That’s what you have been studying at school, college and universities. That’s all what they taught you. Did you ever listen to a teacher telling you to study well and then go do a small home garden? Well, you can earn a living with a small home garden; nobody likes it. Why? Because you have been conditioned to believe that you need a job; well, you don’t!

And people look for funny videos. These days, the funny isn’t funny alone. There is also fun but misleading concepts and mind controlling content in the funny videos you watch online. Children are being shown as cheats and almost all funny videos have some kind of sexual message that goes direct into your unconscious mind. These kind of messages change your character, you personality; they design and define who you are!

There is another group of people that is looking to make some money online. These people don’t want to be under the sun and earn a living. They want shortcuts. There is no shortcut. You will have to trade off something for something else. The people looking to make money online often end up in spam schemes or in unreliable levels of income. Only a few of them find the right places and ways to make money online, but then that percentage is very less. Most of the people in this group would spend a tremendous amount of their life time on searching for a better way of making money online. Just because you have been presented with this idea, you would never get out of this idea. If you had watched the movie Inception, then you would remember that an idea is the most dangerous infection. You will either have to live with it or die for it! It is that serious and dangerous.

Another infection is this serial shows phenomenon. There are people who would wait for a TV serial and miss anything else but that serial. They would never leave their seat while the serial is running on the TV. And they think about the next serial until the next sequence is released. If it were a weekly TV serial show, after watching this week’s sequence, people will always be talking about the serial and thinking about the next sequence for a week. They would sit down in front of the TV long time before the show is actually telecasted!

There are various kinds of entertainments that cover almost all the people. If you miss and not be covered by any form of entertainment, then they have the medical side of drama for you. You would have got caught into their hands with one or the other of their medical needs for you. And then you are done with their medicines where you initially had no illness, created an actual problem after having their drugs for the first time, and then; you will have to continue to worry about your health and continue to buy and use their drugs, until their drugs kill you.

Like the TV shows and movies there is another part of the population that is obsessed with sports and games. They don’t even know why they are so much attached to the kind of game or sports, but they are terribly attached. They would fight with people who they don’t even know, just because they love a game. How stupid is that? But people do that. And the players of those kind of games and sports; their lives are dedicated to these things. They would never questions like “Why am I born on earth?”. Their lives are defined to be nothing when they die. Of course, you would tell me that they achieved certain targets and did things that no one else could do; like world records. So f$%#@ing  what? What did they actually do? Nothing!

If I hold a world record for not talking to anyone for 5 years, then what is it?  Nothing. Just because these things were created to make sure that we are stupid and behave nonsense and enjoy our so called achievements, we do exactly what they want.

I can’t even think about the time wasted by people when they are on their social media pages. They spend years on facebook and twitter. If you actually calculate the time that you spend on these social media networks per day, and then calculate how long would you spend in the next twenty years, and then convert it into days, then most people will get more than one year! That is if you lived another twenty years, it means you lived only 19 years outside the social media. And you spent a complete one year doing nothing else, but wasting your time!

And the madness of looking for celebrity news, famous people and what the heck they are upto, is another fever. You don’t even know the people who you are looking for. Searching some great statements by great people might give you some benefit; you at least would gain some extra knowledge. I doubt it when people are looking for celebrities and other famous people, the prime concept is sexual appeal. Whether you agree it or not, that is the primary concern of your brain. You have been trained and conditioned to be slaves of your sexual urges. And you have been told that it is okay to be open with your sexuality. No! it is not. Sex is sold nowadays because we are all conditioned in that way. If you take the animals as to why and when they have sex, you can understand the purpose of sex and why it should be limited. On the contrary, researches are done and anti pregnancy procedures and medicines are overwhelmingly available, so that sex is not respected!

I am growing old with this article and this article is growing big! I better stop here and put the rest in another article.