Friday, August 7, 2015

What do people look on the internet? How will it change in a New World Order?

The public mind has been infected with ideas that are tailored by the ones that want to rule the world. They achieve their goal by setting up a false goal for you to achieve. The reality is that they use all the tools that people like you invented actually against you.

Being the most widespread media today, the internet is the ultimate solution for total mind control. They started doing experimenting on people a very long time ago. If you want to know if there were such experiments, Google for MKUltra and you will get official information. This is just one example that these projects did exist and authorities did carry on mind control experiments.

They found out there were non intrusive ways to manipulate one’s mind and they adapted to that method because the victim will never realize that he or she was part of a mind control program. They would not believe you if you told them that they were controlled by someone else. The victims would never be touched by someone, so that they never know that they are being controlled.

One of the methods was the continuous exposure to a subject and then the victim gets used to the subject, then feels the need to be involved in the subject and then lives by the subject. The mainstream movies are one such issue.

If you look at the internet for what people are searching for, then you will find out that the term “Insurance” is amongst the top ten searched subjects. This is not because people badly need insurance, but this is because they want you to think that you want insurance; and their plan has worked really great!

If there was no money at all, no one will need insurance. All what an insurance policy does is that rips you off of the money you have earned; so that you don’t have some extra money to do something that they don’t want you to do. So that you will always be short of money, fearing the future, and will never get out of the circle that they have confined you.

You will always have to work to make sure that you afford the kind of insurance you have purchased. This is one of the great deceptions. Some might argue that insurance will help you when you are in need of money, then I would say, well, what we are paying the government is for what? We already pay enough to the governments to run a second government. And that’s exactly what is going on. Remember the American President John F Kennedy said “There is a plot so secret; I want to expose it before I leave this high and noble office”, and then boom… he was killed within seven days of this statement. So, why am I saying this now? Will they kill me now?

No, they don’t care anymore. In fact they now want everybody to know that they are running the world governments; not elections, and not people. There is no more government for the people, by the people.

People are looking for and spending a lot of time on the movie news. People want to know which movie was released today, last week, in the past month and so forth. By searching for these, they are wasting their time in which they could think of being free from their controllers. This is exactly what the ancient gods on earth wanted people to do; be slaves and not to think of a damn thing. If people start thinking, then there would be revolutions; the rulers know that so that they keep you occupied. Movies, are one of the greatest tools for the task.

Most people watch movies online for free and then start chatting about it online. All what you do online is recorded and goes through artificially intelligent programs to determine whether you are potential enemy to the rulers. If you are one, then you will not be beheaded; that was an old style. The new style is that they will buy you for money. There is a price tag for everyone. You might not agree to abide for just a few hundred dollars, but if you are genuinely offered a few hundred million dollars, then yeah, you will!!! And they have more than a few hundred million dollars to offer you.

Just imagine some of the government funded programs and their fund sizes. Take the Large Hadron Collider; the thing was more than a billion dollars just to complete. The operational cost is massive that you don’t even get the exact cost of operation anywhere in the news. How comes that the governments involved in this project don’t have money for a housing scheme to accommodate the homeless in their country? They could easily build a house with lets say 200,000 dollars? If you take that, then with the money they have used on this machine, they could have built more than 50,000 homes; right? They didn’t want to do that. The reason is because all governments need to have some homeless people to carry out some experiments. If you have everyone accounted for, then you cannot plug them out!

Next thing, the job vacancies; people always look for better jobs. This is because people are conditioned psychologically through media, social media, movies, schools and religious institutions that they should have a job and it is very respectful. No, no religion ever said to have a job; all religions encourage you to earn your food, but none ask you to have a job! Even in the current society, you don’t need a job; all you need is money!

Why is that everyone that cares about you is telling you to find a better job? Why are they not telling you to get better money? I mean, is just a job the only way to make money? What about people that have a lot of money but don’t really have a job? If you think about that, you will wake up. So they designed the system in a way that you start learning how to become an educated slave. That’s what you have been studying at school, college and universities. That’s all what they taught you. Did you ever listen to a teacher telling you to study well and then go do a small home garden? Well, you can earn a living with a small home garden; nobody likes it. Why? Because you have been conditioned to believe that you need a job; well, you don’t!

And people look for funny videos. These days, the funny isn’t funny alone. There is also fun but misleading concepts and mind controlling content in the funny videos you watch online. Children are being shown as cheats and almost all funny videos have some kind of sexual message that goes direct into your unconscious mind. These kind of messages change your character, you personality; they design and define who you are!

There is another group of people that is looking to make some money online. These people don’t want to be under the sun and earn a living. They want shortcuts. There is no shortcut. You will have to trade off something for something else. The people looking to make money online often end up in spam schemes or in unreliable levels of income. Only a few of them find the right places and ways to make money online, but then that percentage is very less. Most of the people in this group would spend a tremendous amount of their life time on searching for a better way of making money online. Just because you have been presented with this idea, you would never get out of this idea. If you had watched the movie Inception, then you would remember that an idea is the most dangerous infection. You will either have to live with it or die for it! It is that serious and dangerous.

Another infection is this serial shows phenomenon. There are people who would wait for a TV serial and miss anything else but that serial. They would never leave their seat while the serial is running on the TV. And they think about the next serial until the next sequence is released. If it were a weekly TV serial show, after watching this week’s sequence, people will always be talking about the serial and thinking about the next sequence for a week. They would sit down in front of the TV long time before the show is actually telecasted!

There are various kinds of entertainments that cover almost all the people. If you miss and not be covered by any form of entertainment, then they have the medical side of drama for you. You would have got caught into their hands with one or the other of their medical needs for you. And then you are done with their medicines where you initially had no illness, created an actual problem after having their drugs for the first time, and then; you will have to continue to worry about your health and continue to buy and use their drugs, until their drugs kill you.

Like the TV shows and movies there is another part of the population that is obsessed with sports and games. They don’t even know why they are so much attached to the kind of game or sports, but they are terribly attached. They would fight with people who they don’t even know, just because they love a game. How stupid is that? But people do that. And the players of those kind of games and sports; their lives are dedicated to these things. They would never questions like “Why am I born on earth?”. Their lives are defined to be nothing when they die. Of course, you would tell me that they achieved certain targets and did things that no one else could do; like world records. So f$%#@ing  what? What did they actually do? Nothing!

If I hold a world record for not talking to anyone for 5 years, then what is it?  Nothing. Just because these things were created to make sure that we are stupid and behave nonsense and enjoy our so called achievements, we do exactly what they want.

I can’t even think about the time wasted by people when they are on their social media pages. They spend years on facebook and twitter. If you actually calculate the time that you spend on these social media networks per day, and then calculate how long would you spend in the next twenty years, and then convert it into days, then most people will get more than one year! That is if you lived another twenty years, it means you lived only 19 years outside the social media. And you spent a complete one year doing nothing else, but wasting your time!

And the madness of looking for celebrity news, famous people and what the heck they are upto, is another fever. You don’t even know the people who you are looking for. Searching some great statements by great people might give you some benefit; you at least would gain some extra knowledge. I doubt it when people are looking for celebrities and other famous people, the prime concept is sexual appeal. Whether you agree it or not, that is the primary concern of your brain. You have been trained and conditioned to be slaves of your sexual urges. And you have been told that it is okay to be open with your sexuality. No! it is not. Sex is sold nowadays because we are all conditioned in that way. If you take the animals as to why and when they have sex, you can understand the purpose of sex and why it should be limited. On the contrary, researches are done and anti pregnancy procedures and medicines are overwhelmingly available, so that sex is not respected!

I am growing old with this article and this article is growing big! I better stop here and put the rest in another article.