Sunday, September 13, 2015

The New World Order and the Antichrist; what do you know -1

You think you know about the New World Order and the Antichrist? You are wrong. You actually don’t know what is to happen and what the Antichrist is and how the New World Order would prosper.

As I have told earlier, the pope, the elites of this planet and other forces that want control of the world are just trying to avoid the Antichrist and to make the New World Order be under their control. As usual, these people will fail.

Although they discard bible in plain site to the public, they carefully study the bible to make their decisions. They know that the Antichrist is to come and is to perform things that no human has ever performed as a single person. They have been trying to figure out this for ages now. It seems like they are tired of looking for this person in order to destroy him, so that they have started to go public with their plans, thinking that the real Antichrist would confront with them.

The thing is, this Antichrist or the third Antichrist as Nostradamus wants to call him knows that he is the long awaited one. So he would have his own plans which could not be identified and understood by the masters of the world. The bible itself says that this guy would understand the dark sentences; meaning he has deep understanding of things that ordinary humans cannot. Like it is said in the bible about the King Solomon, it is also said that this person will have much more than Solomon, or any other person to have ever lived on earth. This guy would perform things that even Jesus did not perform when he was alive on this planet.

Coming to the point, the picture is actually bigger than the big picture. So even people who look at the big picture do not realize the bigger picture behind it; that leaves the bigger picture to be intact to be only known to the Antichrist and of course to the GOD.

The bigger picture is that the Antichrist’s reign is not going to be just seven years; it is going to be probably a thousand and a seven years. Read the scriptures if you want to understand. After the reign of the Antichrist on earth, the earth will be transformed into something else. We are to enter a galactic federation in the rule of the Antichrist.

This guy is going to make it possible for people to live for around a thousand years; but not for eternity. Jesus says that he would give eternity to people, but this guy will give an expanded life span to all people who follow him. He is going to be here for a long time than the spectators expect. What is the point of inventing a thousand year lifespan and then ruling the earth for only seven years and then dying?

No, this guy will not be a fool or be fooled by anything. This generation will see things that no other generation has ever seen. The bible says it. And how do you know that this the generation that the bible speaks about? The bible always refers to the Jews, Jerusalem and Israel in its prophecies.

Go read the bible. It is not for the Christians. It is a false belief that the bible is for Christians. Most part of the bible existed even before Christ, the Jesus was born. So no, it is not for the Christians. The bible itself says about it that the bible is to be taken to the entire population on earth. Before the bible is taken to everyone on earth, the end wouldn’t occur.

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