Friday, October 16, 2015

An organizational structure for a New World Order

If we had a New World Order, how should the organizational structure be? Apparently it will be the biggest organization the world would have ever had. It will have all the aspects of an organization. There will be the need for all kinds of skills and professionals. How could someone possibly manage an organizational structure for an organization that big?

The United Nations Organization is the one closest to a one world government organization that exists today. If you take the UN, there are the General Assembly, Security Council, Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Economic and Social Council and 17 Specialized Agencies. Apart from these, there are hundreds of specific UN organizations that are target oriented in purpose. All of these branches, sectors and sub organizations are managed with different structures. All of them fall under the Secretary General indirectly. If the Secretary General is to be taken a prototype of the leader of the New World Order, then there is almost ten times higher responsibilities to be assigned to that leader.

How to structure such a big organization so that it functions in a practical manner? The world is full of people. An organization concerning all people on the planet should be governed by the people. A leader to such an organization should only be a guide to such masses of people. There shouldn’t be an authoritative leadership. If there were, it would turn to be a dictator ruling the entire world. We have had dictators all around the world who have left not so good records on the ground. Luckily we have electoral systems in the world. One major flow of the electoral systems of the world is that they are only for electing leaders. Much of the decision making is taken away from the public.

After selecting a leader, the leader is left responsible for taking decisions. This sometimes leads the leader to take decisions to which the people who elected him do not agree with. This is the first concept that should be changed in a New World Order. We have the technology to make sure that all people participate in a debate in the form of voting. We vote on social media sites and on the internet for entertaining concepts. We can do the same to approving of a legal suit that is being passed by the government. Most people wouldn’t even know what legal suit was passed and agreed upon lately. People don’t get the chance to participate in such decision making. This should be changed in the New World Order’s organizational structure. The leaders can take decisions on actions but when there is a law passed to make sure that it serves the public, then it should be the public who decide whether they want it or not.

We have had cases where people did riot denying a new law suit, despite which the suit still got approved by members of some government body so that it was forced upon people. This should change in the New World Order. The organizational structure should reflect these effects.

The organization should be structured in a way that it could be managed. Since this organization would be consisting of all people all over the globe, the globe should be divided into regions, sub regions, sectors, sub sectors, areas and sub areas. This shouldn’t be like continents and countries. It should be divided geographically according to coordinates. An example and proposal is that we can divide the entire world into 12 x 12 degrees and then into 360 x 360 degrees according to coordinates. These would be the major 144 regions with 129,600 sub regions. So something equivalent to the UN General Assembly in the New World Order will have only 144 members to represent the 144 major regions. At the next stage, there will be 900 sub regions in each 144 major regions. These will constitute of an area with 1 degree longitude into 1 degree latitude. By the equator, the distances represented by one latitude or longitude would be 111 km. That would be around 12300 square kilometers of area. As you go further towards the poles, the area would shrink.

The same concept could be continued to reach smallest of areas to represent the people where there are several million people in a few square kilometers of a land. For example, Tokyo is 2,188 square kilometers in area and has a population of over 14 million people. We cannot have the same representation for this city as that of a desert where there is no people but enough land area. So, after dividing the geographical area for coding, the next step would be to represent the people. We will have to come up with pretty small numbers for people to group together for governing purposes. For example, if we say each 1000 people would be grouped together, then we can have one person representing the thousand people. If we start from the first level of leadership, the leader of the New World Order, then he can have a maximum of 1000 people under him directly. If you go step by step, we need to go all the way to 10,000,000,000 (Ten Billion) people. That would take three levels before reaching all the people. If we set up the levels to be five, then it would be 100 people at each level.

Depending on what is suitable, the smaller number the better representation, the levels can be placed. If we say that there will be 5 governing levels, then there will be one first level leader, the New World Order leader; 100 second level leaders, 100 third level leaders, 100 fourth level leaders, 100 fifth level leaders, and there will be a 100 people at the sixth level; that will be the general public. It will not be hard to manage hundred groups of people if there were systems for voting for all decisions to be made.

Any decision to be made about a sub region should be exclusively voted by the residents of that region. In vastly populated areas, an entire group of 100 people might be living in one building where in some less populated parts of the world; it might be a few square kilometers to form the first group of 100 people. This is the political aspect of it. If all people are now devised under some form of governing group, the policies and decision making part of it will be over.

One other aspect could be solved with this structure too. Living addresses of people could be correlated to coordinates. Since the areas are geographically divided according to coordinates, an area could be referred to as a coordinated location. For example, there are only 144 regions and 900 sub regions. If we set it up in a way that each sector, sub sector, area and sub area will have only up to 999 parts in it, then the addressing will be something like 123,234,578,983,232,003

In the given example, the first three digits represent the major region, the second three would represent the sub region, the third three would represent the sector; the fourth three would represent the sub sector and so forth.

Coming to the aspects like law and order, taxes, road rules, religions and so forth; the entire planet will run by only one rule. So there will be no difference in that. The governing laws will be standard and uniform all over the planet. If something is wrong in major region 189, then it will be wrong in 134 as well. No one can take advantage of a hole in the wall of law; there won’t be any. The same will go with all laws.

The currency fluctuations and economic aspects will be governed globally as equal to all regions. There will be only one currency and it would not be paper currency so that people will have no problem of the currencies inflating or gaining. It will be mostly cashless transactions and people would be paid into their accounts and be spending from their accounts. No one would be withdrawing some money to keep at home, because there will be no money to keep at home.

The educational institutions should all be made free. There will be only accreditation and if you pass the accreditation then you will be allowed to practice a particular profession. People should be able to learn without having to choose a profession. In the current system, there are streams like marketing which are basically not necessary for a world with one government. Most of the businesses will be government owned. If someone wanted to do business, they will have to do it through the government. There shouldn’t be billionaires making more and more money and then poor labors who don’t have enough money to afford food.

As mentioned earlier, the businesses will not be for trade, but for need. Unnecessary businesses should be closed. Betting can be allowed, but cannot be allowed to bet money. One can do it for fun but not for money. Mostly, money should be taken out of the system. People manipulate their behaviors for money. In a society where there is no money, people will not need to manipulate their behaviors.

Finances will be very limited and there will be only very limited financial activity. There should be transactions between individual citizens and the government only. On a large scale, the government can sanction finances to regions, sub regions or areas depending on the need for a project to be carried out in the area. There will be no need to borrow a few bugs from your friend. The government should be able to pay you that. If you are in need for a loan, then the government should provide it to you. If there is a need for anyone, they should be able to get it from one body; the government. No one will need to do a bank transfer to another person.

Buying and selling will take place through the government platforms and gateways. If you had enough money in your account, the government will allow you to buy. If you had sold something, then it will be accounted to your account. That’s it.

There will be no market deviations and prices differences over different regions. Everything will be sold at the same cost all over the world. Fish will be sold at the same cost in a beach and in a mountain. Anything that is sourced from anywhere in the world should be sold at the same price all over the world. There will be no extra profits. So the individual merchants and private companies would be disabled to take advantage of the price differences in different locations.

And there will be a margin added to product sales. For given categories you can only sell them at given prices. Just because the season is over or the availability is abundance, you cannot sell or buy something at fluctuating costs. You can give stuff for free to people but it should be recorded through the government system. Donating without the government knowing should be treated as a crime. This is where all briberies begin. And bribery should be treated as the worst crime because it is the crime that will help hide all other crimes and make criminals escape. All who have been caught red handed with bribery should be treated with maximum force with at least sentence to life.

Prisons in the entire world should be moved to one location of the world where there are no people living. Three shouldn’t be a way to escape. It should be open for around a thousand kilometers in all directions. There shouldn’t be individual prisons in different locations. There should be only one prison in the world and ideally there should be no one in the prison.

Transportation and communication should be provided for free to all people. There is enough wealth in this world to provide transportation and communication for free to all people. Accommodation shouldn’t cost a penny too. If someone wanted to spend time in a luxury hotel, they might have to pay but for someone to have a place to sleep in the night should not cost. The government should provide food and shelter to all citizens.

It all sounds like impossible because none of these have happened here on earth so far. It will be possible to do that. The economical, social, educational, environmental and other systems should be set up in a way to have a head, and then representing groups at different levels. The idea is that there will be hundreds of people that are the sole heads of departments or functions for the entire world that will report to the one leader.

The management of the world should not start from the top level. It should start from the bottom level of individuals. If it did, problems like drugs, fake medicines, kidnapping, treasons, terrorism will all vanish from the face of the planet. There will be a group of people who want to be wild and experience a bit of a wild life. They should be allowed to spend time on their own without being affected by any laws. An area could be allocated for people who want to live wild for even a short time period of time. Once they are satisfied of their wild living, they could come back to the organized life in the government controlled territories.

This will allow people to explore their nature. Some people naturally want to have it. Since it couldn’t be allowed in the society, they should be allowed a place with no rules. So that they can get there and see how it would be to enter the wonderland with no rules. If people are dead inside that place, then the government shouldn’t be responsible for that. In this way, the world could be managed in a way where things are balanced, peaceful and safe. For people who think it is cowardly to live under some organized rules, they have these wild open no law territories too. Sounds good; doesn’t it?

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