Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Antichrist, CERN and the Concern - Part 1

The Antichrist is to come and we know that, but what are the connections to CERN with him? Both the subjects discussed here are huge and heavy. The Antichrist is heavier than the CERN. So, it is CERN that is going to play a role to bring about the Antichrist to his place; or is that so?

Let’s start with CERN and then move to the Antichrist. CERN is the abbreviation for the European Organization for Nuclear Research; weird way of abbreviating it, isn’t it? It is an organization for some research. What is so important about it? This organization has a machine, I mean The Machine that cost them more than a billion dollars to build. It has been operating for several years and the operating costs are not publicly available. You imagine it as the most expensive machine operating at the most expensive cost.

This machine so far is the largest of machines built by mankind in the known history. The machine has parts that extend up to 30 miles in radius. So what does it do? This thing does not run in nuclear power, this thing does not generate nuclear power; this thing breaks nuclei of atoms, and then breaks the smaller particles inside the nuclei of the atoms. The power needed for these processes are only gained within this machine in. The typical particle breakdown happens by forcing two particles to collide with each other. Imagine two vehicles colliding head to head. Now imagine two fighter jets colliding head to head; that would be crazy. Okay, imagine two bullets colliding head to head; how would you like to observe it? Now take something a million times faster than the bullets and collide two of those head to head; that is what they are doing within the machine. These machines are usually called the Large Hadron Colliders or the Particle Accelerators.

There are many such machines all around the world, but the one at CERN is the king of all. So, the particle collision is just a way of trying to observe what happened in the universe when there were no atoms formed yet. That is just one of thousands of reasons why the experiments happen in the underground giant machine.

Now, to record the events that happen inside the collider during the experiments when they collide these particles, they need faster systems. They first accelerate these particles to around 99.9999% speed the light, and then collide them. To observe and record the changes that take place, they need to have systems that respond faster than light. I guess they already have those there. And to do calculations in real time, they are going to need like the best supercomputer that will be declassified after 20 years from now. I guess they have that too.

But wait, did you watch that video? CERN also contributed to creating the internet. It is not just a nuclear research organization. The purpose of that organization was, just like the UN, to unite the nations. In plain words, this could be said as CERN was meant to be a tool to creating a New World Order and it serves pretty well to the purpose. What else does the Antichrist want than tools to creating the New World Order?

CERN is not just that; it is also attempting to opening a portal to extra dimensions. Just like in the movies where star gate portals open up to other worlds, this experiment is also trying open portals to other worlds. Literally, they are expecting something or someone to pop out of the opening portal.

CERN is also a time machine. They cannot manipulate time in a controlled manner yet, but they can travel back and forth in time with limitations and restrictions.

In short, the people at CERN don’t really know what they are dealing with. It is like a baby playing with an electronic toy not knowing how it is working. Imagine a baby getting an electric shock from an electronic toy. That is very much a plausible scenario here. The scientists at CERN have clarified this themselves. They are going through things that they have never anticipated before.

I am not sure if they were successful, but even if they did, they wouldn’t have seen this Antichrist in the future. Because this guy would have had access to this type of technology in the future and then decided to go back and erase all evidences leading towards him; so that no one can destroy him from the past.

Why should he do this? That is because the Roman Catholic Church, the Illuminati, the bankers and all that seek more power want to get to his place, and he is not going to give it to them. He is going to take over all of these people. They know this. So they try to advertise that they want to serve him. Thinking they can fool him when he is in his very primitive age, he would believe in them and will go to them for assistance; these people keep on symbolizing everything with 666. They do this to attract that man towards them. Their plan is to destroy him once he goes to them.

But they will be proven wrong when he turns against them. They cannot find it out by going into the future, because if this guy has access to all of these technologies, then he is going to counter act to each and every single actions of these people. So they would have attempted to murder him when he was young, but he would have had a loop to go back before they kill him and to manipulate his parents. If he did that, they can never find out the man but he would exist in the future.

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