Sunday, August 23, 2015

The long awaited one

The Long Awaited One is a term used by the prophet Nostradamus in his quatrains of prophecies. But the term can mean anything that was waited for long. We are going to witness many Long Awaited Ones in the future of us. The future of the planet earth is having so many Long Awaited Ones. 


The end of the world is certainly one thing that people have long awaited for. It will happen, but we do not know when. Since this began some time back in the past, this should end sometime in the future. It is not just some religious believe or some prophecy. It is also very much scientific to say that the world will come to an end. Everything that has a beginning has and end; every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Forget and forgive the date setters. They just want business; you don’t. Science has set up timings for the end of the physical world as it is today. The time is so far in the future that even human race could not be Homo sapiens at the time that happening. 


The Antichrist is someone in place of Christ. Many people, even Christians misunderstand the term as in opposition to Christ. This is a wrong perception. The Antichrist is to rule the world with great majority and support. If he is to oppose Christ, one billion Christians will not support him. So he will not oppose Christ. He will take the place of Christ. And when he does, people will not offend him, they will support him and marvel at him. Prophecies become true and people often realize that the events have taken place only after they have taken place. This is because of the over – imagined scenarios of the prophecies will make people blind to no to see the real time world events. As a fact, people will not understand this person as the antichrist as he arises on the world scene. 

People are looking for a smart, perfect and GOD like individual to come and take the seat of the Antichrist. This is where he benefits; he has no trouble coming to the seat without anybody knowing. It is the habit of the general public to look for an anaconda which is less deadly than a cobra; when they are instructed to look for a harmful snake. Setting up geographical regions for the antichrist to come from will not benefit until you let all your knowledge go out and start from the beginning like a learner. As the Bible says, he is not to be an Israelite. He will be one from the gentiles; that is anyone but not a Jew. The interesting thing is that people are very much interested in genealogy and are trying to bond their bloodlines to some famous person in the past. 

This Antichrist man will also have some way of finding out something that will make the earth to believe that he is actually a descendant of King David. I am not sure, if the person will claim that he is a descendant of Jesus Himself. The big trouble is that the world will believe in whatever nonsense he says; because he will make them believe. Remember, a person to rule the entire world cannot be stupid. Even though he will exalt himself against all that is respected as GOD, he will start humble in the beginning. This guy is just perfect for the character. 

 According to Nostradamus, the Long Awaited One should be born in October. Nostradamus says “3rd of October”. He does not mean the date, he means the 3rd antichrist. He has seen 3 antichrists and he describes in a discrete quatrain “Dragon the third of October”. I see that Nostradamus is telling that the third person will be as powerful and magical as a dragon, and this person is coming out of October. That is, he is born in October. Nostradamus gives a clue of the day of birth of the third antichrist. When he says that he will have Thursday as his holy day, we must thing that he has a holy day for himself. Does everybody have a holy day for themselves? I think yes; my holy day is my birth day. How is that? As many understood, it is not that he will come out of a nation which will have Thursday as a holy day. But it is simply a reference to his birth day; he will be born on a Thursday of an October. Which year though? 

Nostradamus doesn’t seem to have pinpointed the date of birth; but there is another person called Father Maximus who wrote a book talking about “the antichrist was born in 1983 and the judgment day will come in 2013”. Father Maximus has seen the year of birth of the antichrist to be 1983. Combining these two people’s visions, we can see the date of birth of the Antichrist. We can understand that the Antichrist was born on a Thursday in October 1983. But which Thursday? 

Nostradamus gives one more clue. He should be born in one of the three water signs of astrology. Some people understand this as the conjunction of three oceans; but it is wrong. Nostradamus means the 3 water signs. The three water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. If you take these three signs, Scorpio is the only sign that has part of October. Cancer is June-July, Pisces is February-March; Scorpio starts from 21 October to November. So if the man is born under Scorpio and in October and on a Thursday, it should be a Thursday after 21st October. 

And there is only one date; 27th October 1983. 

If this interpretation is tight, then the antichrist is already in the world. Nostradamus also says that his war will last for 27 years. His war means the struggle he will have within. I understand like he will know definitely that he is the antichrist when he is 27 years old. It should have happened in 2010. So the Long Awaited One is already present.

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