Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cannot make money out of thin air in the New World Order

Have you heard about people making money out of thin air? Well all kinds of earnings where you don’t do some work to earn the money is almost making money out of thin air. Be it the affiliate marketing, Forex trading, pyramid schemes or just getting interest for deposited money. It is all making money out of thin air. If people are getting money, then there should be someone giving that money; right? Where does this money come from, or who is giving that money to these people? It’s you!!!

Here is a popular explanation as to why poor countries are poor; but is not the FULL reason!!!

Do you know how cleverly your money is being paid to billionaires so that they become richer and you keep on working hard for your daily wages? In a financial system, there are four types of people. Those are the employees, the small business owners, the big business owners and the investors. Take any one given person on planet earth, and they will fall under any of these categories.

The employees are the ones who work hard for their organizations and they are paid a fixed rate. The small business owners are the ones who use their hard earned money to invest in small scale businesses with their own skills. They might have a few employees under them. These two categories have limited resources so their income is limited.

The third category is the large business owners. These are big brands that we see on TV and the brands who sponsor for events like the F1 and world cups. They have plenty of money and plenty of staff. If they need some money to expand their business, all investors will come and give them the money. If they need staff, well, there are enough people with enough skills looking for a better job. These companies will always find the best people on earth and will employ them. They have enough resources. If they want more resources, they have a way of getting the resources and carry on.

The fourth category is the people who are investing money onto other businesses and then getting a share from the profit. These people don’t do much. They only have to identify good opportunities and then invest on them. Once they invest, they do nothing. They just keep on getting more money. These people will then go onto investing in even bigger companies. They have no limitation to their resources as well.

Where all these people get unlimited money is from you in two ways. The first way is by paying you less than what you deserve for your hard work. They don’t pay you enough. You might be getting a big salary but if you calculate how much these companies are earning because of you, then you will realize that they are giving only a small portion of your earning to you. The rest goes to their pocket.

The second way they get your money is by selling products at prices more than what they could be sold at. Anything you buy in the market costs only less than 25% of the sales price. The profit gets added all the way from the factory to the sales outlet where you are buying it from. A cell phone worth a thousand dollars costs less than 250 dollars to make. They add the profit, step by step before it reaches your hand. They also spend money on advertising. They pay the role models a small amount compared to what they pay the media to take those advertisements to the people. After adding all of that cost and profit to the product, you are forced to buy it. They create a false need for you so that you buy it.

Just imagine, if you had a lemon tree in your backyard, how much would it cost you to have a lemon juice drink? Now tell me how much do you pay for a lemon juice? It is that much difference in the prices. Most of the food products that are sold in the market are not safe anyway. Genetically modified food can modify your genes. The added genes in certain food products are capable of migrating from your food and entering your own cells. That is a different subject anyway.

If you have understood how they make you pay them and how they get your money, then it is not all. There is more to it. The wage that they pay you is not enough. They make sure that you do not become a business owner. They make sure whatever you earn is not enough for you. How do they do this?

There is a thing called foreign currency exchange market. Basically, they are buying and selling currencies at this market. This is not a physical market and most of the money sold here is not cash money. This market works on the concept of inflation of currency. For example, you buy dollars first to start a trade. Then you buy another currency paying by dollars. Then you sell that currency to buy dollars again. So how is the profit coming here? Well, this is how it is done.

When you buy a currency, there is a dollar value to that currency and it fluctuates by the day. Something bad happens in a country, and the currency’s market value goes down or it inflates. Something good happens in the country, the value of the currency goes up. They call it a loss or gain. If you buy a currency when it is in a loss and then sell it when it is gaining, then you will receive more dollars than what you paid to buy that currency.

Giving you a numbered example, if the currency’s dollar equivalent is 0.98 when you buy it, you can buy 10,000 units of that currency with just 98 dollars. Let’s say that the currency has gained. So the new value of the currency’s dollar equivalent is 0.99. If you sell the same amount of currency units now, that is 10,000 units, you can buy 99 dollars now. So there is a one dollar profit to you. This is the basics. If you take the figures in billions, then the profits will be in billions.

Who has billions of dollars readily available to do such trades? It is the billionaires and the banks. All the money of billionaires is somewhere in the banks. The biggest banks in the world sell and buy currencies in billions and billions. The fact is there is more than 5.8 trillion dollars traded in a single day in the foreign currency exchange market.

By doing this, they are making money out of thin air. In order to trade on the FOREX (foreign currency exchange) market, the currencies of the world should be fluctuating in values. If all the currencies remained at their values for one single day, then the market is useless. So they need to keep this fluctuating. Major news releases are done considering the change of value of some currencies.

For example, if you listen to breaking news saying that there is an epidemic disease spreading in a particular country, how would it affect the currency value of that country? The tourists will not go to that country. So the tourism industry will fall in that country, at least temporarily. Investors who are investing in tourism industry in that country will not invest. This will reduce the business profits very dramatically. This will result in that country getting less income from that sector. This will result in the country’s gross national product to go down. This will in turn result in the reduced value of currency in the same country. This doesn’t wait to happen until the end of the year. This happens on the same day. If the currency value goes down, then all the product prices will go up within a few days. It will carry on like that for a few weeks, months or even years.  

Despite the currency value going down, you will not be paid a wage to match the loss. If you bought a bear for a certain amount of money before, it will now be sold at higher price. But your employer or government is not going to give you more money immediately for you to match your expenses. They will do so maybe after a few months or after an year. The people who make money on the FOREX market will make their money on the same day. What it means is, since the inflation took place, you are ripped off of your earning and that earning goes to the people with money; mostly banks.

And there are many other things with these guys at:

It is for this reason; the news releases are controlled by the financial system of the world. This is why they hold press conferences to make sure whatever they want the world is taken to the world at the precise time they want it to happen. So they make the decision to by a weak currency before releasing news which will make the currency gain. They buy the currency when it is weak, and then they sell it when it gains. Only top players will know what is going to be in the news before it is actually in the news. Other small traders will buy and sell too. But these big traders will buy in bulk like billions of dollars worth of currency. When they want to sell it back, they will make sure that the currency does not gain anymore after they have sold it. They will do another news release just after selling the currency. The news this time will cause the currency to lose again.

To make big news, you need big events. Take all the big events that took place in the world, that were very negative to a country or population. It has always been the plan of some financial institution. After the nineteenth century, some say, all wars have been the wars of banks. These wars were taken up to the surface so that the banks can play around and make more money out of thin air. If you had understood what was told in this article. You should be more than angry now. Is there a way to stop this? Yes, there is.

When these big brothers made announcements calling for a New World Order, they looked like they want it to happen. In fact the bankers don’t want it to happen because of one reason; the one world currency. If there were no different currencies, it will mean that there would be no FOREX market. That is the biggest market by volume in the world. And that is the market where they make all their sin money. They want total control but they want to maintain their wealth making strategy. To keep this going, they will need at least three different currencies to exist in the world.

There should be reserve currency, which is now the USD. And there should be two other currencies so that they can buy and sell these currencies to make sure that the currencies fluctuate and they make more money. This is the only reason why there is no one world currency. This is the only why they will never agree to have a one world currency. They will talk about it, and they will tell the public that they want it, but they will never want it to happen.

It is their attempt to reduce the currencies of the world to three, that they created the Euro. The idea is that they will create a currency for the West and another for the East. Then they will introduce a currency called a New World Currency. Then they will have what they wanted. They will make sure that the new world currency becomes the reserve currency and they will make sure all three currencies exist. If you have heard about bit coin, then you can understand what will happen if there was only one currency left in the world. It is for this very reason; they will run an aggressive campaign against bit coin and will cease it in a single day. In order to do that, they need a reason to tell the public. So what they will do is, make sure there is a big crime against humanity is committed just because of the existence of bit coin. Once they have done this, no one will question them when they want to eliminate it. It is their way of doing things. They produce a problem and then they offer a solution, and people will always buy their bullshit.

But in the real world to come, the actual New World Order will not be controlled by the bankers. They want the control by all means but the Antichrist will ignore them. He won’t give a damn about their warnings because this guy will be artificially intelligent, and will posses powers that will look like supernatural. He will make sure that there is no cash money, and there is no currency for these people to make more money out of thin air.

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