Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How everyone would be marked 666 and then be identified?

Let’s consider some facts about artificial intelligence and then move on to the subject. I think the AI will play a major part to bringing the Antichrist to power and then making it possible to have that marking system in place.

Below are a few graphs and images that would tell you how fast the artificial intelligence would take over. You can make your own anticipation about how long would it take for such systems to be incorporated into the human society and ultimately into the one world order system.

A neurosynaptic core (credit: IBM)

The Internet Map: mapping the connections on internet

Chart III-8: Moore’s Law: Over 199 Years And Going Strong from:

Clock frequency and power density of computers:

Brain sizes of some animals:

And here are some videos to give you a heads up.

Now to the content. You have to have a clear mind and some open thoughts to even understand this stuff. If you cannot understand what is said in here, then you will not make any fare decisions about it.

The bible tells about a mark of the beast. There has been much discussion upon the mark of the beast system all over the internet for all the years. In fact, the bible says that everyone would have to receive the Name of the beast, the mark of the beast or the number of the name of the beast. Mostly, people think that it is going to be the number. The fact is that it can be the name, the number or the name. If you are a radical Christian who takes the bible literally, then you would be amused to read this.

So, how is it possible to mark everyone with the same marking and yet identify uniquely? Remember the bar codes? They are kind of the same looking but not really same every time. The bar codes represent a number. The name of the Antichrist will represent a number, the mark of the Antichrist will represent the same number, and then the number of the name will be the same. So, if you receive any of these three, then you have received the same marking.

Coming to the point, the number or the represented number on everyone is going to be the same. Let’s say you have a bar code scanner. If all what you have is the same number over and over again, you cannot identify the bar codes uniquely. But this code is going to be inserted genetically. It is not going to be a tattoo; it is going to be something like a birth mark. Even if you are burnt in fire, you are not going to lose the mark. It will pop up as soon as your skin heals. How can we include a mark in your genetic code? Trust me, the technology is already there.

Ok, now we have implanted the represented number genetically. We need a scanner that can scan our DNA. Well, we have that technology too, but it is very expensive and is available to only a handful of people today. The process involves some intrusive procedures where you would need a blood sample or some tissue sample. You cannot be giving some blood every time you visit a supermarket. That’s right; you will have to be identified as part of the New World Order system which the Antichrist will implement or else you are not getting anything from your supermarket. So, we will have to invent something to scan your DNA without pinching you all the time. This feet will be achieved very soon.

Okay, now let’s say that we have come to this point and we have scanners in all public places where you will be identified with your DNA. So, what does this represented number do? It is simple. Your DNA template will be interpreted into a number. There are billions of codes in the DNA. If someone were to translate your DNA into a number in orders of trillions they will end up with a big number; and it will be unique for each and every human being. There are estimated 3.2 billion base pairs in a human DNA. You translate every 3 bases into a single codon and you end up with 64 unique numbers. Then if you number the sequence on a number system based on a 64 base, you will get approximately a six digit number which will be unique to you.
Do you understand a small relationship between the number of the beast and the DNA of us, humans? The bible says that number is the number of a man. Actually, if you translate 3.2 billion in base ten into base 64, you will end up with a six digit number. It is very much puzzling, but I suppose anyone can come up with some weird way of calculation and say “Hey, I got 666”. Let’s leave that part apart.

Coming to the point, your unique six digit number (it will not be just numbers; it will actually be six characters) will be stored in massive databases where all public records are held. You will not need a password, you will not need a log in and you will never have to worry about your data security because the semi artificially intelligent supercomputers will allow only you to access your login.

Okay now, you will carry a mark that represents the number 666 and you have a unique number that is stored in the universal database. If you convert 666 into base 64, then you get “Ka”. Weird, yeah? But it is the character representation of 666 in base 64. Now, deduct “Ka” from whatever is your unique number, and you will end up in a unique number that no one else can have too. So, there you go. The scanners will scan your mark, if you had a mark, then they will scan your DNA. Once your DNA is detected to have been incorporated into the system, you will be granted access to the world of the Antichrist.

So, having marked with the same mark, it is possible for you to be identified uniquely. Be warned, in the words of the bible. The bible says that whoever receives this mark will be doomed for eternity. Once gone in that direction, there is no turning back. So why is the bible so keen on this irreversible change? It says that Jesus died on the cross for all sins of all men; then it should be possible to redeem the ones who sin on this one as well; right? Well, that is not the case it seems. What makes you human and a monkey a monkey? It is your DNA. Now, if what you have now in your DNA is identifying you as human, when you fiddle with it, you are no more a human. You can call it a superhuman, a transhuman, an advanced human, an enhanced human, homo superior or whatever you want but, you are not a human anymore.

At that point, even Jesus will be unable to save you because he died on the cross for the humans; not for any other life forms. Remember, he died on the cross not for the fallen angels; they can never be redeemed. It is their curse that they are doomed for eternity. Now it is time for Lucifer to play games with humans so that they will not get the promised eternity. What does he have to do? Make them sin? Yeah, of course; but then this creepy Jesus redeems everyone who confesses; no matter what sin they have committed.

The creator is omniscient, knowing everything. Next to the creator, Lucifer is the most intelligent creature that was ever created. Now he comes up with the best plan only GOD can defeat; that is to change humans into something that is not human. Once he does that, even GOD, cannot redeem you. You get the point? If GOD wanted to alter his programming to include these “altered” humans, then he will have to redeem the fallen angels as well. This is the ultimate strategic battle that will ever take place between good and evil, light and dark and the GODs and devils.

So the number is not just a number; there is a once in a life time importance behind it. In fact there is a once in the history of the universe kind of importance behind it. It is not the big bang, not the black holes, not the higgs bosons, and not anything else that is most important; it is the time when you choose not to take the mark; that is important.

Unfortunately, billions of people are going to take it; mostly voluntarily because they will think it will be the most safe and simple mechanism to live in union with the nature. Mother Nature is a deceptive concept; there is no such mother nature. There is GOD, and there is only GOD.

This is one of the reasons why the bible says not to create any image or idle of anything that is present in the universe to represent GOD. Okay, coming back to the point; yes it is possible to mark everyone with 666 and then identify them as unique individuals.

The rabbit hole is deeper than you expected. Don’t fall for these fools who teach you that the Antichrist will rule the world for 7 years. No, he will not. If he were to rule the world for 7 years, then how will people believe in him as the GOD or Jesus reincarnate? The Antichrist will actually rule for thousands of years like Jesus promised he would rule the earth for a thousand years. The Antichrist’s rule will come first, so that people will think that it is Jesus who has returned. And the Antichrist is going to like it because he is in the place of Jesus; that is what the term “Antichrist” means.

And people will live for hundreds of years because of his technology. People will convert to his own religion. People will start worshiping him as the GOD. This will piss off the GOD. So GOD will damage his reign by causing troubles through Israel. Even Israel will be taken over by the Antichrist but when he is rejected by the Jews who will get enlightened by GOD, the Antichrist will go after them. There will be an instance where the whole world will go against Israel. That is the most appropriate time for the Antichrist to emerge on the world scene and say no to the world. The entire armies of the earth will fight against one man. He will come with his armies; robots. He will come from heaven in clouds; just to imitate what Jesus would be doing when he comes. He will defeat the world armies coming against Israel and will say that he needs peace.

Having witnessed his power, the world will surrender to him. He will propose freedom to the Jews and will return the entire Promised Land to the Jews. The Jews will believe that he is the promised messiah. This is how he will take over the world. The picture is much bigger than the big picture. Forget about your pastors and other bastards who sell theories for money and fame. If you want to know facts, then ask GOD or devil. Devil knows some facts but you can’t be sure that he will tell you the truth. GOD knows everything and you can be sure that he will reveal the facts to you, if it is necessary, useful and is his plan for you. So the best part is to pray to GOD and then keep it to yourself. If GOD locks, no one opens; and if he opens no one should dare to lock.
We are in the edge of the knives. As I wrote in some other article here on the site, the Antichrist is turning 33 on October 27, 2015. That marks a lot of importance to me. If you are on the planet with him, then when else is the most critical time than him turning 33? Be on your guard; you have been warned.

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