New World Order – Nuclear Weapons Disarmament
We should not have any nuclear weapons; period. Don’t try
and give some reasons for what is not right to taking place in the world. You
already know that something is not right. So why don’t you simply oppose it?
Did they ask you if you agree with keeping nuclear weapons? No. Why? Because
you don’t count!
Well, make your voice clear and count; you don’t need
nuclear weapons! I don’t need any definitely too! The so called reason for
nuclear weapons to exist is the security of nations. It is also the biggest
risk to the security of all nations and the world as a whole. I don’t want to
be identified as belonging to a particular geological region of the world. I am
a citizen of this planet. I belong to the world not to an island. We all belong
to the world and the world belongs to us. We have to make sure that the world
is safe.
So who is safe with the nuclear weapons? The businessmen! So
you can’t believe it; right? Well, if you own a business and make the market go
up and down as you need, you need a tool that does exactly that. What is a war
in the modern history of man? It is a tool for controlling markets. Pretty simple;
wage a war in a country or region where you want the market to go down and then
it does. Keep a region under chaos so that the market stability is unknown
there for as long as you want; well it happens.
Okay now you want to get a higher market value at a
particular region; go sign on some treaties saying that there is less
possibilities of wars. The market goes up as you want. Imagine; without war,
the market fluctuations would be very minor and predictable to everyone. Everyone
getting benefits is not the idea of the current system. The idea of the current
system is to make sure only the elect ones get benefits. So they make sure what
happens when with the wars. Don’t tell me wars are because of the differences
of people. Well, there have been some wars that began with that factor but as
soon as a situation like that pops up, the big businesses get involved and
monetize the war.
Now, if you don’t have wars, then all these industrial
complexes that produce nothing but deadly weapons and only weapons would
vanish. They have to run out of business and they don’t want it. Put it this
way; you want a weapons business running, then you want someone to buy weapons.
And I am not talking about someone buying one pistol with license for safety at
home. I mean some people to buy some weapons in a scale where the weapons
industry can survive. And when it comes to business it is never the survival. It
is always profit and growth. You need to keep growing.
So, for you need to have enough people buying weapons, there
have to be wars and conflicts the entire world. Don’t tell me that these
industries supply only to the governments. Even then, why do you have to
purchase weapons every single year if you haven’t used the old ones?
Okay, I get it. It is because you want to be ahead of the
technology and security over all other nations. Precisely, that is my point. Since
we are not one world and are 400 different nations, we are trying to safeguard
ourselves from each other; or so is the explanation given.
Think about the United States of America. What would happen
if all 50 states became independent nations overnight? They will all be doing
exactly the same. They will all try to build up their own armories and military
not to be ahead of Russia, India or China; but to compete within themselves. And
they will be proud about being ahead of each other. That is exactly what is
happening with the entire world now. We are separated as nations so that we
want to be against and stronger than our neighbors. If we were one nation and
one world, then we would not be looking at the fighting points. It is
pointless. So why is it not happening and why are we having so many wars? Because
the people who sell weapons need money; and to get money they need to sell
weapons. No one will be buying weapons if there were no war at all. So as far
as these military industrial complexes partnered with private companies exist,
there will be no peace.
They don’t want to detonate a single nuclear device anywhere
in the world but they do want to threaten every single nation on the planet
earth so that they have the control over the nations. That is the reason why we
have over 12000 officially account nuclear warheads as of March 2015.
They did not ask me if I agreed to having one more nuclear
war head! Did they ask you and did you agree? I don’t think so and even if they
asked and you agreed; it still doesn’t make a sense. Why do you have to have a
bomb so powerful that the effects are felt for generations when your war is
meant to be won or lost for a moment?
The nuclear arsenal of the world armies is kept under the surveillance
of computers with some human loop in it. The cooling systems and irradiating
systems have to remain stable for the bomb be in a “sleeping state”. What they don’t let you know is that a simple
battery malfunction in a timer or some device in the entire unit could cause a
nuclear device to bloom!
These are like land mines of the planet. You don’t know when
they would go off. You still have them and think that you are under control. Imagine
what happened to the most secure databases in the world. People are jumping in
left, right and center from nowhere like there is no tomorrow. You think it is
going to be so late until some crazy idiot peep into one of those nuclear
weapons storage facility and do something to the system? Hey, how about the
Heart Bleed virus? Simple coding; wasn’t it? But the effect? Yes, we had it
under control only after it had happened. So what are the plans that we have
for around hundred nuclear warheads go off at once? The most stupid thing to
think about would be to do something after such an event has taken place; but I
am having to think about it because it is entirely possible.
Imagine if there were a thousand nuclear bombs went off in a
single minute? Oh, yeah we have more than thousand nuclear warheads at all
times on ready to go status and are controlled by computers and pushes of
I don’t want to have one more nuclear war head in this
planet. I am against nuclear warfare. It is not fair! We are already at risk
dismantling all the nuclear warheads that we already have. Don’t make anything
new. Well; who is going to listen? And who is giving the orders to making those
nuclear warheads anyway? As I told you, I never agreed to anyone to making
these warheads. I never wanted a politician to represent me and say yes to
nuclear warfare. I never voted in any election for anyone or any party because
these people represent the public on the day of the election and the next day
they represent some business! What the hell?
Every single Euro that you pay is taken away from you and
you are not paid enough for your work because there is no one to talk about you
in the places where they say they are your representatives. They simply do
business in a way that they can borrow your power and then control you. It is
like this. Imagine if all the people on earth had a bow and an arrow. Now,
during elections, what you are doing is electing someone thinking they will
protect you so that you give your bow and arrow to that person or party. Now you
have nothing, and they have every power over you. Another term and you get your
bows and arrows back for a moment only to give it to someone else.
That means you are never in power! Brilliant plan and it
works. Now they are not going to detonate a nuclear weapon ever unless there
was a stupid officer who was curious to press the button. If not, no government
will want that to happen. The problem is, there are systems that are more
secure than government owned and maintained systems. The government cannot
afford the amount of money that some banks can spend to create and maintain
secure systems. That is simply because the bankers have wealth in hilarious
amounts which the governments don’t.
So someone can intrude into the systems and play with it and
the result will be real total annihilation of the planet earth. We already have
enough mad people. We have had cases where people did sadistic things just to
prove that they could. So, disarming the nuclear weapons is a must.
Probably that will be the first big task for the New World
Order administration. When there is a New World Order formed and functioning,
the members (that is every single person on earth) will be asked to vote for
the disarmament of all nuclear weapons. I can bet my life on it that more than
99 percent of the people will say yes to the disarmament of the nuclear
If you want to make it a reality, then give your support to
forming a New World Order where there are no nuclear weapons. I am going to do
it anyway. I am just looking at the people of the earth as if they are willing
to show off their faces when comes to making critical decisions and supporting
ethical moves.
My name is Neo, and I am engaging soon. You can be my guest even if you don’t support me. That is fine but be very wary if you wanted to oppose me. Because I am not just kidding and I am not just making a show. In fact, I haven’t made the show yet which I will.
Come on people, we have been on the face of the planet for
millions of years and our generation is experiencing the worst. We have become
total slaves to people that we don’t even know. Lets taka leap and take it now. Make a New World Order
where you and me can be equal and make decisions about our own life.