Friday, March 6, 2015

New World Order - Resistance Will Come

Resistance Will Come

I know I will have resistance coming all the way out for me from all over the world but the best part is that I will also get support. This is not like Bill Gates calling for the New World Order or Obama calling for the New World Order but this is a common man just like you calling for a New World Order. And this is not exactly what the elites and the governments of the world are asking for.

They are already on their way to making their own New World Order but what I want to make is something that would work for everyone. It is difficult; in fact very closer to being impossible. I already had a comment telling me that it is impossible. May be, but all what I know is that everything that was possible was also impossible before it was done.

So the resistance will come in the form of a few people commenting on my ideas as impossible first. Then people will start assigning me names such as the Antichrist, the Dajjal, and many other names. In fact some people are going to say that I am an incarnation of some evil guy that lived on the earth before. Some others are going to say that I am Satan reincarnated. Yet other people are going to say that I am an incarnation of GOD. Well, I will not say yes to anyone of those and I will not say no to anyone of those. I know who I am.

The majestic plan of some elite groups and people are to presenting a living GOD to the masses at one time all over the world. The idea is to present a person to the entire world in the same minute and say that he is GOD or at least a super human and he is the one that we will all have to follow.

Well this idea will not work because I am here. I am not letting them taking over the world just like that. So the resistance for me from the governments and leading elite people will come a bit later than it comes from the general public.

The governments will express their unhappiness over my plans. That is when you know that I have something that would work for you and not your government. That will be your chance to making a good move for the last chance.

Once when the governments start addressing about me and my ideas, it will be the politicians then who will directly and openly condemn me and oppose me because they are the ones that are going to lose at most. They will no longer enjoy all the benefits that you have been giving them. So they are going to be upset and be afraid of me and they will want to take me down even before I am up.

They will make this mistake by asking me to reveal my identity publicly. Once they do that, I will reveal my identity. And that is when things will go irreversible. From that point forward, I will start changing the governments and rulers of the world. The New World Party will gain all over the world and will get into power.

At this point of time, there will be much resisting campaigns saying no to me and my New World Order. I wouldn’t care really because I would have been half way through already. I do not want to become the president of some country but if it has to then I will run for presidency as well. That will be the most resisted act of my journey but if I run for, I will win.

Let me say that I am prepared for it. I have been thinking through these all my days. Since I was twelve, I have been planning and plotting. I have known who I am for sure since I was seventeen. Now I am thirty two. I am ready to take over. More factually, I am not ready to be taken over by some corporate company and become a slave or a science experiment.

Yes, I know that the resistance will come for my New World Order but I am ready; I mean I was born ready, I was born for this. My name is Neo and I am engaging soon. Let him who wants a future; think now and act.