Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Truth, the Fact, the Reality and the New World Order

The Truth, the Fact, the Reality and the New World Order

Whatever the people want to know or don’t want to know, there are things that all people on this planet need to know. We are all products of something. Some want to call it the nature and some want to call it the GOD. I am fine with both that sometimes you have to accept that there could be two things that look alike and there can be one thing that looks like two different things.

If you are familiar with the concepts of quantum mechanics or quantum physics you might have heard about the behavior of particles at the quantum levels. Electrons would behave like waves when you are looking at them and then behave like particles when you are not looking at them. So in quantum physics, electrons are both waves and particles at the same time. When asked how is it possible for each electron to be exactly the same, a scientist replied “there is only one electron”. Interestingly enough, he could be proved right unless there is something else that is not yet revealed to the normal population.

If you have heard about quantum computing, the specialty of quantum computing other than the nano scale is that a bid in quantum computing would hold 3 values. It is called a Qbid. Unlike a normal bid where the value is either 1 or 0; switched on or switched off, the Qbid could be either 1 (switched on) 0 (switch off) in any given time. It is never 0 or 1 at any given point of time!

Why do I mention quantum mechanics, quantum computing an quantum physics where I am trying to talk about the New World Order? That it because I am trying to explain the difference between the three things; truth, fact and reality.

It doesn’t sound like there is any difference between truth fact and reality; right? Well, the reason why these three words exist is because there is some difference. The truth about the new world order is that it was a preplanned act. Many people wanted it and started working on it. Unfortunately for them and sometimes fortunately for the world, it did not work out in the favor of them. Most of those who have tried the concept of a New World Order did so because of their craving for power. They were so thirsty for power and wanted to have the ultimate authority over everything and everyone.

The fact about the New World Order is that it is not some conspiracy. It is something that the world needs. We need to have an order in this world so that we can all live in peace and equally. The reason why there are so many poor people and so much money is dumped in nowhere. So the world needs an order. That is the New World Order.

The reality about the New World Order is that, so many powers are competing to take control of the New World Order but they are not going to be successful. There is going to be a single person that will be in control over the New World Order and the New World Order will not be a brand or business entity. All the businesses and corporate industries that have been stealing from the people will lose. So they are very much concerned about it and have directed people into thinking that the New World Order is an evil thing. Once people are not actively engaging, then it is easy for them to make up whatever they want it. Even then, they will fail as the people will understand it very soon; sooner than expected. People will join in the movement to making their own New World Order.

These are the truth, fact and reality about the New World Order. Where will you be?