Sunday, March 1, 2015

New World Order - Civilization

We all know that all our big cities are located by rivers and as a result we have destroyed most of the fresh water resources of the planet earth. We are now left at the mercy of the existing little bit of the rainforests and the little water sources. Do you think that this situation could be changed if the way we have civilized our planet would change? I think it would.

Well, we would have to start over! We will need to build colonies in entirely new places and abandon all current residencies. Is it possible? Nothing is impossible. If you had a better place to live and if you had to do it for your children and the next generation, then why wouldn’t you? I am sure that everyone wants to have a better life, a better place to live and a better world at all.

Imagine a dwelling place without any artificial cooling systems, no pollution and no chemical mixed food or water. How would you like to be at a place where there are natural plants and natural water with some harmless animals living around you in the wild? How would you like to live a technologically advanced lifestyle where you are living among the wild animals, birds and plants without disturbing them?

I would love to have something like that. Is it possible? Oh, it is more than possible. Did you know that we are not planting trees in the rates that we have harvested them? We are running out of time. We are headed for a clear, definite and confirmed dead end. And it hurts me to realize that there is no idiot with all that lot of money willing to do something for the planet!

I am not against the charity organizations but most charity organizations are temporary solutions to problems. It is like giving food to someone who is starving. It is good. What about the next day? Are they going to have food the next day? No? Then are you going to keep them in a stage where they have to beg to you and you keep on providing them? Give them a way to producing food. Give them a piece of land, teach them agriculture and support them to cultivate. At the same time, provide them food so that they will not give up cultivating. May be after six months, when they are successful in their cultivation, then they will start doing their own thing and you don’t have to keep them beggars.

Why is this not happening? That is because charity also has become business and politics. It shouldn’t have to be this way. We have been careless and have brought the situation this far. Did you know there are people in this world that have no citizenship from any country at all? Did you know that there people that were not given a citizenship in the country where they were born?

Did you know that there are people that never had an address? It was not because they were not staying at one place but was because they had no place to stay. Is it not the responsibility of the governing bodies of all the respective nations to provide people with at least a piece of land to live in?

And trust me, there are business organizations with thousands of square kilometers of land just given off to them; legally, by the governments. Is it really something cool? I am not against giving off some land for some company to conduct a research or have a farm. My point is that, is it not more important to giving your people some place to live? Some countries that are boasting as the super powers and the richest in the world have people begging for food and living under garbage. You could say that they are lazy to beg for food and not working. I agree; but what about a place to live? You don’t even need to build a house for them. You just give them a piece of land where they can live. They will build whatever they want.

You will be shocked to know that there are more than 3.5 million homeless people in the United States Alone. And you might get tears if you knew that 23% of them were the US Military Veterans; the people who dedicated their lives for their country! And they are not qualified to live in a house? What a free country and a free world are we in?

You don’t need to give them a seven star hotel. Give them a piece of land with access roads. That’s all they need. They will build for themselves and will live a better life than what you could give them. Man, military veterans living out of the streets? I feel like sending all the politicians in the government to the front lines of the next war. So that they will know what is it to be like a military person in war and come back to your country to be homeless. Stupid A-oles; if they are not then why haven’t they produced a solution for this when they vote for some fcuking project every year that goes beyond billions of dollars?

Here is a simple question. How much would it cost to allocate lands for all 3.5 million people in the USA in a grid and build roads?

Well if you had 3.5 million acres of bare land, then you have one acre of land to give each person. I am sure it will not be costlier than a new space shuttle. Why these people and people like these all over the world are not considered is because there is no business value in assisting these people. That is why these people are left in these statuses. And they become easy and vulnerable targets to the ones who are looking to abuse people for drug trafficking, organ trafficking, prostitution, human trafficking and much more; you name it. And the worst thing is that these people easily fall against the government and they are very likely to host some bad ideas from various groups around the world.

The New World Order will have cities built certain limitation factors. There will not be building too tall that you cannot walk the steps in an emergency. There will be a consistent 60% tree cover in the city to make sure that the city is still within the sustainable and renewable capacities of the earth. There will be limited number of people to live within a certain area of the land. The roads will be straight and the road grids will be square. There will be not much traffic blockages and there will be not many accidents. The New World Order Cities will feel like living in the nature but with the maximum technology.

Each citizen of the New World Order will be required to produce food. I don’t care if someone makes money or not. Do you eat money? As far as I know, people eat food for a living. If you need food for a living, then what should you be producing; money? No, you should be producing food.

Guess what is happening with the world now? How much percentage of the population is involved in making food directly? And tell me how much percentage of the population is not involved in eating directly. It is as simple as that. Some people have never ever produced a gram of food in their entire messy life! It shouldn’t be so. You be the CEO of the largest company in the world, you still have to give your contribution to the planet. You are living on this planet an you have an obligation to do something in return. The planet does not need money. The environment does not need your million dollar dinner party. The planet needs some more plants. Do it; doesn’t matter who you are, every single one in the New World Order will have to grow something that produces food and oxygen. So that they know they have a right to live on this planet. Especially with more than eight billion people on the face of the earth, you are going to have to earn the right to live on the surface of the planet. Just because you were born in this planet would not make you prosper.

It is a different case now. You are ripped off right when you were born. But in the New World Order you will be born into a new earth once again. And you will have everything equal to everyone. And you will have equal duties and responsibilities too.

Do you know how many degree programs are there on marketing? Do you know what marketing is? Well, in the new world order, marketing will not exist. You produce, you provide to the needy. If you don’t find the needy, then you keep it with you or recycle. This is for just the food because everything else will be provided by the New World Order Administration. You will have power, transportation, accommodation, entertainment, security health and whatever more that you are paying for now; will all be free from the government.

I know it sounds like a fantasy. This would have been the same case if someone told you fifty years back that there will be people living in residencies that circulate the earth in the space. People would have been stoned to death if they were telling these a thousand years ago. Look at it now. You can track and know when the International Space Station is just above your house. You can do it with your mobile phone. Please don’t challenge me or discourage me.

It is going to happen and I am going to do with or without the help of others. I am just making my call by letting you know that I am ready walk first. It is up to you to make your call to say that you support this idea or you don’t care.

In either case; I don’t have a loss because if you are with me then I am stronger. If you are not with me then it means I have potential enemies. Well, potentials and probabilities are dealt with high concern here. And if the New World Order is out there and if you are not a member of it, then you are gonna be in a pretty bad situation.

My name is Neo and I am engaging soon. Be ready people; we got to go a long way and cannot waste anymore time.